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DINA 2-in-1 mods


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So I just bought a DINA console from Atari2600.com yesterday, and now I've been curious as to what mods are out there for it. I realize it's not exactly the best-built system out there, so I'm already planning to add heat sinks to all the major chips. Specifically, is there a proven AV mod for it and is there a way to get CV controllers to work?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just bought a DINA console from Atari2600.com yesterday, and now I've been curious as to what mods are out there for it. I realize it's not exactly the best-built system out there, so I'm already planning to add heat sinks to all the major chips. Specifically, is there a proven AV mod for it and is there a way to get CV controllers to work?


Hi, I accidentally stumbled upon a post you made at Racketboy not quite a week ago about mods you had made to your DINA. Would it be possible to post or send me some photos of your mod?


My DINA system has a problem where it would only display properly after it had been powered on for 20-30 minutes, like it needed to "warm up." It would display basically a black screen with a static line, and later some game picture would start to come through, but the graphics would be garbled, and eventually it would be fine. Currently, it won't go past the black static screen phase, and I was hoping a video mod might help.


I read the posts Bacteria had posted there (Racketboy) about his mod, which was successful and apparently repaired the "fried" system. Comparing his photos to my DINA motherboard, though...I think I must have a different version of it because it seems to be laid out differently. I didn't know there were different motherboard versions!:)





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Hi, I accidentally stumbled upon a post you made at Racketboy not quite a week ago about mods you had made to your DINA. Would it be possible to post or send me some photos of your mod?

I'll see if I can get some posted soon. There's not a whole lot to it really, just follow the procedure that I put up on Racketboy and it should work fine.

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