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I'm trying to make a cable to connect my 7800 to a betaSP recorder which has a 12-PIN component Input.

As I guess the plug of the 7800 is impossible to find as stand alone, I want to add a female SCART -> 12 PIN component cable at the end of the 7800 cable.



does someone know what signal goes out of the SCART of the 7800 so that I can solder it correctly to the component cable?

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Last time I checked, there is no SCART connector on the 7800. Unless you have a mad-mod that I don't know about. :ponder:


Unless you have a French SECAM/Peritel 7800 ;). It has an additional video circuit.


Yes I though the problem could come from that despite the burst signal is the same in PAL or SECAM. So I've plug it into an VCR which recognize both PAL/SECAM standard but the screen still black. I got an old BETASP which got a component plug so I though that I could easily solder a cable but the 7800 blueprint doesn't show the output assignement.

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I'm not sure if I understand your problem, but maybe this will help.


The output from a normal unmodified Atari is not composite and as far as I know, there aren't any Atari's that have been modded for component. If you want more info about that, see this post.


You can't plug an Atari into composite or component and expect it to work. You need a Coaxial (F-Type) to Female RCA Adapter or something similar. Then you connect it to the TV antenna input and use channel 2 or 3. If that doesn't work, I've read that some Atari's use UHF. I don't know much about that, but here is a starting point it you want to read about it.

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I'm not sure if I understand your problem, but maybe this will help.


The output from a normal unmodified Atari is not composite and as far as I know, there aren't any Atari's that have been modded for component. If you want more info about that, see this post.


You can't plug an Atari into composite or component and expect it to work. You need a Coaxial (F-Type) to Female RCA Adapter or something similar. Then you connect it to the TV antenna input and use channel 2 or 3. If that doesn't work, I've read that some Atari's use UHF. I don't know much about that, but here is a starting point it you want to read about it.


thanks for the threads. I knew its not composite but I though it could be a kind of RGB component output similar to the Amiga as you could directly plug an amiga in TV but not a VCR.

When reading the 7800 blueprint, there are separate channel for R,G and B (upper right part of the blueprint as far as I remembered) so I hope I can make it... hmm... seems not so easy now.

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The PAL SCART 7800 is outputting RGB from the SCART port. I have heard some people say they were able to get composite out of it as well but I've never been able to replicate that. I suspect your VCR is looking for composite.



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