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attempting a video mod with very little results. help


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I set out to take my light sixer and get rid of a horrible RF signal. SO I looked up the easiest I could pull off on my budget and went with the latest from Ben at http://benheck.com/book/support/Atari2600VidMod.htm Unfortunately his tutorial is missing where 5+ v came from and doesn't cover a six switch unit so I was able to fill in the gaps with "the atari 2600 video mods comparison project" site. So I constructed the circuit and checked the components over half a dozen times so I know the're right. I also checked for bridged contacts as well. I removed the resistors for TIA pin 2 5 7 and 8 and I also removed the one at the audio point.


I now have wires for:

5v +


pin 2

pin 5

pin 7

pin 8



As of now I have no picture on either a CRT or LCD.

Audio sounds fine on the CRT but is horribly muffled on the LCD. On this should I remove/ cut any other items on the main board for the sound to come through clear? Any help please. And to think I went to school for this stuff years ago. :roll:


ps I've rewired the circuit a second time with fresh wire and replaced the original 2n4401 with a spare thinking I may have blown the first one. Still no luck. :sad:

Edited by grafixbmp
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I can hook you up with a good s-video mod. Drop me a PM.


I set out to take my light sixer and get rid of a horrible RF signal. SO I looked up the easiest I could pull off on my budget and went with the latest from Ben at http://benheck.com/book/support/Atari2600VidMod.htm Unfortunately his tutorial is missing where 5+ v came from and doesn't cover a six switch unit so I was able to fill in the gaps with "the atari 2600 video mods comparison project" site. So I constructed the circuit and checked the components over half a dozen times so I know the're right. I also checked for bridged contacts as well. I removed the resistors for TIA pin 2 5 7 and 8 and I also removed the one at the audio point.


I now have wires for:

5v +


pin 2

pin 5

pin 7

pin 8



As of now I have no picture on either a CRT or LCD.

Audio sounds fine on the CRT but is horribly muffled on the LCD. On this should I remove/ cut any other items on the main board for the sound to come through clear? Any help please. And to think I went to school for this stuff years ago. :roll:


ps I've rewired the circuit a second time with fresh wire and replaced the original 2n4401 with a spare thinking I may have blown the first one. Still no luck. :sad:

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I can hook you up with a good s-video mod. Drop me a PM.


I set out to take my light sixer and get rid of a horrible RF signal. SO I looked up the easiest I could pull off on my budget and went with the latest from Ben at http://benheck.com/book/support/Atari2600VidMod.htm Unfortunately his tutorial is missing where 5+ v came from and doesn't cover a six switch unit so I was able to fill in the gaps with "the atari 2600 video mods comparison project" site. So I constructed the circuit and checked the components over half a dozen times so I know the're right. I also checked for bridged contacts as well. I removed the resistors for TIA pin 2 5 7 and 8 and I also removed the one at the audio point.


I now have wires for:

5v +


pin 2

pin 5

pin 7

pin 8



As of now I have no picture on either a CRT or LCD.

Audio sounds fine on the CRT but is horribly muffled on the LCD. On this should I remove/ cut any other items on the main board for the sound to come through clear? Any help please. And to think I went to school for this stuff years ago. :roll:


ps I've rewired the circuit a second time with fresh wire and replaced the original 2n4401 with a spare thinking I may have blown the first one. Still no luck. :sad:

Thanks but I'm not interested in an s-video mod. I would prefer composite. and I don't need another mod since I built my own. I am only asking if any other components need to be removed from the main board besides what I've already done? Anyone else?

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