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Question about Longhorn mod on 6-switch 2600


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I purchased the Longhorn board via http://electronicsentimentalities.com/. The instructions there (http://electronicsentimentalities.com/2600InstallationInstructions.html) say to remove a capacitor and resistor on the 2600 main board. The instructions on the Longhorn site (http://www.longhornengineer.com/Videomods/L6switchNTSC) make no mention of that. I noticed that the instructions on the LH site show a 2.2E rev board and I have 2.2G. Is that the difference? Should I remove those components or not?





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In case other people find this posting searching for the same answer, I didn't remove the components and everything works great for composite video. I haven't tried S-video. Also, I wasn't sure how heavy gauge wire I needed and ended up using Cat-5e wire, and that seems to be working fine as well (I have +5v and GND wired with 18-gauge, but that was too heavy for everything else and I didn't have anything between 18-gauge and the cat-5). I was worried that it would be too light-weight, but it seems to work fine.



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