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wouldn't allow a FAN? Why the heck not?? Gotta keep electronics cool, after all. Nice big silver fan grille, maybe an LED fan and some knight rider/Cylon scrolling LEDs... okay, I digress, but that sounds like a neat converter box :D


What is the box originally from, anyway??

Edited by nathanallan
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wouldn't allow a FAN? Why the heck not?? Gotta keep electronics cool, after all. Nice big silver fan grille, maybe an LED fan and some knight rider/Cylon scrolling LEDs... okay, I digress, but that sounds like a neat converter box :D


What is the box originally from, anyway??


No I meant a fan that would blow at me and cool down the room, put a bucket of ice in front... poor man's AC.



the casing is just from an early 80s little Stereo Speaker joint... We were trying to mount it into a cheese grater for a little while believe it or not.

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That's still a bit... overzealous not to allow a fan and a bucket of frekkin ice.


You are so making me want to put something together just to do it. And a fan and a bucket of ice just to be spiteful to this other person. That's a bit irrational.



agreed, I may have to excommunicate this friend of mine... its too bad hes the master-solderer...


I may just make the casing from an Atari 2600/7800 cartridge, but it seems predictable...

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You can get a plastic enclosure box at Radio Shack that's just about the size of that board but slightly longer which is perfect room for the joystick connectors (just under 2" x 3"). I made two of these way back and used the same circuit board you did from Radio Shack. Those enclosures I'm talking about look great. I showed mine at Jagfest '98.




I want to redo the end that plugs into the 7800. One of these days when I get some controller extension cables, I'll put these at the ends of them instead of plugging them directly into the 7800.

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Use an Altoids tin, that's not too predictable :)

These are way more awesomer for projects than an Altoids tin.

Heck yeah they are! I can see that, the signals being "scrubbed" by an Atari controller to get them right. Good one!


/edit Yes, you'd better reuse that container, cause that $3 tin of awesome costs $7 to ship. Wish they were local.

Edited by nathanallan
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I made one of these a few years ago and stuck in in a small radio shack project box. You only need it for games that use two-buttons, but the one I made also serves as a controller extension cable so I use it quite a bit. It also works with my 2600 when using the harmony cartridge so it doesn't think the genesis pad is a paddle.



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I made one of these a few years ago and stuck in in a small radio shack project box. You only need it for games that use two-buttons, but the one I made also serves as a controller extension cable so I use it quite a bit. It also works with my 2600 when using the harmony cartridge so it doesn't think the genesis pad is a paddle.





Looks very nice, I personally like rugged or funny looking cases that are cheap and effective (not to say yours isn't effective or cost efficient)...


anyways, I made a new case thats working very well, I'll snag photos later!!!



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I made one of these a few years ago and stuck in in a small radio shack project box. You only need it for games that use two-buttons, but the one I made also serves as a controller extension cable so I use it quite a bit. It also works with my 2600 when using the harmony cartridge so it doesn't think the genesis pad is a paddle.





Looks very nice, I personally like rugged or funny looking cases that are cheap and effective (not to say yours isn't effective or cost efficient)...


anyways, I made a new case thats working very well, I'll snag photos later!!!




What someone needs to do is make a couple of hundred of those and sell them so we can use genisis pads on the 7800 also one for the sega light gun to be used on the 7800 as mine has the wrong switch and not the extra pin so it can not be modded...Sound and the controllers the two worst things with the 7800..

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That's some hard core stuff right there. :thumbsup: Still no fan? Is that an old power supply casing? Love re-using parts, breathes life back into them. Any plans to mount your 9-pin port to the chassis? So far it's great!



well the 9pin port is mounted- u see it? chk the blog for better fotos... its nice and stable

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's some hard core stuff right there. :thumbsup: Still no fan? Is that an old power supply casing? Love re-using parts, breathes life back into them. Any plans to mount your 9-pin port to the chassis? So far it's great!



well the 9pin port is mounted- u see it? chk the blog for better fotos... its nice and stable

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:



just finished putting the guts of a 7800 controller and an NES advantage together, also used two buttons from a Starplex Astroblast controller... pics soon

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