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Desperate modder needs help finishing s-video mod.


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Hi guys :) I've been building an s-video mod from this thread. Using post #1 for hook ups and #15 for the amp circuit.


As you can see, I am having some problems. I have the chroma lines down, the colour looks spot on. I also have the luma lines pretty sorted, with the brightness being exactly where I want it. The bit that I'm tripping up on is the sync line. I have gotten a great picture from my 2600 carts but I cannot get the 7800 games to stop flickering. I have no idea why this is.


The original posters hook up point for the sync line doesn't work well at all with my console so I tried moving it to pins 9+10 of the LS32 above the MARIA on the board which results in the pics displayed in post #30 of the thread above.


Any suggestions would be massively appreciated.

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The original posters hook up point for the sync line doesn't work well at all with my console so I tried moving it to pins 9+10 of the LS32 above the MARIA on the board which results in the pics displayed in post #30 of the thread above.


You mean pin 11 for SYNC#?

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I've checked against the schematic that groovy linked and it doesn't seem to apply to my board. The one I uploaded on post #5 seems to apply to my board. With this in mind where would the best place to pick up the sync be? I've already tried pin 8 on the LS32 (U13C) and I tried jumping across 9+10 in the same position.

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Shorting two outputs together isn't a good idea. Maybe you've killed MARIA in some way?


I don't think so because the composite mod that I have on the board still works perfectly. I think you're right though, shorting the two points together probably isn't a great idea. I just did it just to see if it worked. It's like I'm missing something, I could solder directly to the marias sync pin and I still get the flickering.

Edited by NeilTheDruid
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wooo! I have some success finally! I decided to dismantle the mod I have been doing above and instead I tried the saundby mod. Which seems to working pretty well. I just have to make some slight adjustments. At the moment the colour seems a bit washed out. I'm not sure if this is something to do with the brightness or with the chroma. In general, most of the colour looks a bit "whiter" than it should be. Did use a 100nF ceramic cap instead of a 1uF tantalum on the chroma line. Would this be the cause?


Any suggestions on where to change the circuit below would be much appreciated.



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I started working on an SVideo mod on a breadboard a very long time ago, which I must admit I never finished. I have a habit of not finishing things, often because of scope creep.


Anyway, I started with Saundby, except I hooked up only the 7800 signals, no 2600.

The most helpful modification I found was to put a 74HC4050 buffer on the luma+sync signals. Without that, you get a major pinstriping effect in luma. You can somewhat tweak that with the luma pot but I wasn't happy with it. Using the buffer chip was a major improvement.

It's not very noticeable on a CRT but on an LCD it's more significant.


I experimented with using an amplifier circuit on chroma but I never decided if it was helping or not. From what I remember I think it slightly helped my problem of color artifacts on edges of objects, but didn't really solve it.


As far as the washed out look, I'm not sure. I was planning to try using Atari's original resistor ladder values on LUMA, instead of the reduced values that Saundby used. I think LHE mentioned that this was a factor in making it look washed out, but I haven't tried it.

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