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My controller coupler is on its way


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I have looked long and hard for one of these in order to get fullest enjoyment out of Robotron 2084 and Space Dungeon. Usually priced at something ridiculous like $25-$30. I scored mine with two used controllers for $15. Nice. Now, I can't wait to enjoy my games the way they were meant to be played.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my coupler in the mail today and tried it out tonight. Wow! there is no better way to play Space Dungeon and Robotron 2084. I only wish I had this device sooner. I am beginning to think that 5200 is my favorite gaming system of them all.


Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close. Space Dungeon is pretty amazing as well. Both are definitely a strong argument why having a 400/800 is NOT the same thing.


As long as the controllers work.


Even if they don't both games rock. It's only ever the fire buttons that go bad on the 5200 never the sticks themselves. So even if you have 5200 sticks with bad fire buttons both games are perfectly playable.

Edited by jetset
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Got my coupler in the mail today and tried it out tonight. Wow! there is no better way to play Space Dungeon and Robotron 2084. I only wish I had this device sooner. I am beginning to think that 5200 is my favorite gaming system of them all.


Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close. Space Dungeon is pretty amazing as well. Both are definitely a strong argument why having a 400/800 is NOT the same thing.


As long as the controllers work.


Even if they don't both games rock. It's only ever the fire buttons that go bad on the 5200 never the sticks themselves. So even if you have 5200 sticks with bad fire buttons both games are perfectly playable.


well you'll also need at least a working 'start' button ;)

I only have one working controller but the stick on my other controller is fine and works perfect for Space Dungeon :)


I want to get Robotron and there is one locally, but it carries a $12.99 price tag for a loose cart :(

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I could really use one myself! I have resorted to rubber banding my controllers together for my Space Dungeon playing :(


I think I would do so much better if I had a proper controller coupler!

Just use some stick-on velcro and a clipboard. :)

Edited by zylon
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Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close.


I'd argue that the 7800 version (with dual sticks) is just as good. Both are great!


I'd agree, but is there such a beast? There's no coupler that I'm aware of save maybe a ghetto version.

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Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close.


I'd argue that the 7800 version (with dual sticks) is just as good. Both are great!


I'd agree, but is there such a beast? There's no coupler that I'm aware of save maybe a ghetto version.

You can use the A8 version's stick holder. :)

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Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close.


I'd argue that the 7800 version (with dual sticks) is just as good. Both are great!


I'd agree, but is there such a beast? There's no coupler that I'm aware of save maybe a ghetto version.

You can use the A8 version's stick holder. :)


Oh no way. A stiff stick like the 2600 for a free-range game like Robotron? Nope.

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Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close.


I'd argue that the 7800 version (with dual sticks) is just as good. Both are great!


I'd agree, but is there such a beast? There's no coupler that I'm aware of save maybe a ghetto version.

You can use the A8 version's stick holder. :)


Oh no way. A stiff stick like the 2600 for a free-range game like Robotron? Nope.

Take the rubber boots off the sticks then. ;) :P

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I only have one working controller but the stick on my other controller is fine and works perfect for Space Dungeon :)


Send me your broken controllers and I will fix them like new for around $15 a piece. That is basically the cost of parts plus shipping.

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Someone told me that Battlezone is playable with dual sticks ala the arcade. I have the XE translation for 5200 and am going to try it out tonight with the coupler.


I think I remember hearing that, but I'm not sure how you'd fire. I think the sticks are used for movement?

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Robotron on the 5200 is without a doubt one of THE best arcade at home experiences you'll have. There's no other version that comes close.


I'd argue that the 7800 version (with dual sticks) is just as good. Both are great!


I'd agree, but is there such a beast? There's no coupler that I'm aware of save maybe a ghetto version.

You can use the A8 version's stick holder. :)


Oh no way. A stiff stick like the 2600 for a free-range game like Robotron? Nope.


Works great with two Wico's. They have those rubber feet that hold really well to my desk. And they work for both the A8 and 7800 version (I prefer the 7800 version to the 8-bit/5200 version)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just got a copy of Space Dungeon with Controller Holder, love it! Though I find that the controllers need to be put in the holder just right, or somehow they get sludge-y to move. Like maybe having them in too tight causes them to have less freedom to move or something. But once it's set, it's a great game and holder.


As to the Robotron discussion... I've got to recommend _highly_ the 7800 version with two European 7800 Game pads. Works like a charm, controls extremely precisely. Now to hunt down Robotron for 5200 and compare....

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I cannot even imagine how it would work holding two Euro controllers side by side. They were configured similar to NES pads and there is no coupler for those. It would make more sense using two Pro-line controllers side by side than the Euro controllers.

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I cannot even imagine how it would work holding two Euro controllers side by side. They were configured similar to NES pads and there is no coupler for those. It would make more sense using two Pro-line controllers side by side than the Euro controllers.


I should've specified, I was also using the little screw-on stick for the gamepads. No coupler, none necessary - it's easy to use your thumb with complete precise control on each one. And not to toot my own horn, but I came in 2nd in the last 7800 HSC Robotron contest, 2nd only to a guy who is such a Robotron addict that he has "2084" as his car's license plate. The two-pads method works, I swear by it.

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