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RPG 2600


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I am making an adventure type game right now, no name for it yet, do i have just titled it "RPG 2011 FH" (FH are my initials)



so far i have the following:



titlescreen (no kernel)




an enemy

collision detection with enemy




i need help the following:


making a sword or a weapon to hit with

more screens than just one

how to get rid of the spaces between lines on a playfield



i will upload my code along with a .bin file of it.



also i'm holding a contest for a name for it, so post names/help for it here.



Edited by esplonky
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There's a sound with data example here:






more screens than just one

There are various ways you can do that. You can use data with playfield variables or pfpixel/pfhline/pfvline, or pfpixel/pfhline/pfvline without data, or a bunch of these:






how to get rid of the spaces between lines on a playfield







This test program has a bit of animation:



Edited by Random Terrain
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no offense RT, but just looking at your codes and sample files like that gets me nowhere, like if you took the parts out that i need specifically then posted them and told me how to use them and what they did then i'd understand better.

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No offense RT, but just looking at your codes and sample files like that gets me nowhere, like if you took the parts out that I need specifically then posted them and told me how to use them and what they did then I'd understand better.

Maybe you can find something here:




The REM statements are more like a tutorial.

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He is trying to be helpful not offensive, looking at other peoples source code should be the fastest method of learning, as their examples compile and work.

The problem is that your understanding of programming isn't experienced enough to learn from other peoples work yet, so I second the suggestion to go over the beginner examples first/again if not already.


We aren't going to program your game for you by writing code snippets and telling you how to use them.

That's akin to telling people you're making your own car, but need help with the engine. When people reply stating that there are already cars made you can learn from, your reply was along the lines of "Looking at those cars I don't understand the design at all, how about you make the parts I need and just tell me how to install them"...


Make sense?


It's MUCH better if we can teach you how to make your own parts based on existing examples.

This post should't be taken offensively as you cannot hear my tone clearly, so please take this only as constructive criticism.


If you are struggling with concepts, then post what you've tried and we can guide you towards a solution. :D

Edited by ScumSoft
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People of Facebook and AtariAge, hear my call. If you want to get credit in my game, get graph paper and crayons and make playfields (levels) for me. Each level is 32 pixels wide and 11 pixels tall, and use each square as a pixel. Scan it to me on here.

Instead of graph paper and scanning, they could use the Visual batari Basic Playfield Editor or this:



Edited by Random Terrain
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People of Facebook and AtariAge, hear my call. If you want to get credit in my game, get graph paper and crayons and make playfields (levels) for me. Each level is 32 pixels wide and 11 pixels tall, and use each square as a pixel. Scan it to me on here.

Instead of graph paper and scanning, they could use the Visual batari Basic Playfield Editor or this:




Some of us are a little more old-school than that :roll: .

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People of Facebook and AtariAge, hear my call. If you want to get credit in my game, get graph paper and crayons and make playfields (levels) for me. Each level is 32 pixels wide and 11 pixels tall, and use each square as a pixel. Scan it to me on here.
Instead of graph paper and scanning, they could use the Visual batari Basic Playfield Editor or this:



Some of us are a little more old-school than that :roll: .

Some of 'us' don't have graph paper. So they can use a tool like the one below and take a screenshot if they can't use VbB:



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People of Facebook and AtariAge, hear my call. If you want to get credit in my game, get graph paper and crayons and make playfields (levels) for me. Each level is 32 pixels wide and 11 pixels tall, and use each square as a pixel. Scan it to me on here.
Instead of graph paper and scanning, they could use the Visual batari Basic Playfield Editor or this:



Some of us are a little more old-school than that :roll: .

Some of 'us' don't have graph paper. So they can use a tool like the one below and take a screenshot if they can't use VbB:



Graph Paper Print and enjoy :)


OK, sorry. Didn't mean to take it that far. Yes, Random Terrains Playfield Toy is better than graph paper. He probably just didn't know about it.

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i knew about it and i was gonna use it, but people were gonna be like "what? whats this playfield editor thing? what do i do here?" because i'm the only person at my school who knows what Batari is really. barely anyone knows what a coding language is.

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i knew about it and i was gonna use it, but people were gonna be like "what? whats this playfield editor thing? what do i do here?" because i'm the only person at my school who knows what Batari is really. barely anyone knows what a coding language is.

The good thing about the Playfield Toy is that they don't really need to know what it is. All they have to do is left click on the boxes to draw. As long as they know how to use a mouse, they should be fine. I'm pretty sure their brains won't melt and leak out of their ears.




Disclaimer: Use the Playfield Toy at your own risk. Although brain melting is unlikely, there is a small chance that meltage could occur.

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ill post a link on my facebook for it then :P i'm trying to get my friend edris to learn batari, because his dad does c++ for a living so i thought i'd introduce him to it and get him started, but hes bein a butthole about it

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more screens than just one

There are various ways you can do that. You can use data with playfield variables or pfpixel/pfhline/pfvline, or pfpixel/pfhline/pfvline without data, or a bunch of these:





when you say that, do you mean put something like




if joy0right && player0x < 154 then goto screen2

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When you say that, do you mean put something like

Almost, but screen1 would never be displayed since it falls right into screen2. You do something more like this:




  . . .

  . . .

  . . .

  if joy0left && player0x < 2 then goto Screen_1

  if joy0right && player0x > 152 then goto Screen_2


  . . .

  . . .

  . . .

  goto Main_Loop



  goto Done_Screen_Change



  goto Done_Screen_Change


But in a real game, you'd probably use data. For example, if screen 9 is displayed and the player moves to the right and hits the right edge, then look at the data and see what screen should be displayed.

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