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I got hosed


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Yep. I bid on F1 Pole Position for N64, won the auction, then received a message informing me that they had run out of stock on this particular game. Say what?!


Seller called Lukie Games apparently ran an auction for a game that he/she did not even have in his/her possession. Does ebay not police this type of crap in the slightest? Is there no penalty for this type of shenanigans?


Then they had the gall to offer me a replacement when it came in. In other words, wait and let them hold my cash in the meantime. Again, say what?!


Is this what ebay auctions are coming to?

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If they didn't take your money you didn't get hosed.



Yep. I bid on F1 Pole Position for N64, won the auction, then received a message informing me that they had run out of stock on this particular game. Say what?!


Seller called Lukie Games apparently ran an auction for a game that he/she did not even have in his/her possession. Does ebay not police this type of crap in the slightest? Is there no penalty for this type of shenanigans?


Then they had the gall to offer me a replacement when it came in. In other words, wait and let them hold my cash in the meantime. Again, say what?!


Is this what ebay auctions are coming to?

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Was it complete, or special or something? I couldn't get rid of that title for a month in my May thread. Eventually gave up trying to get $1 for it. Interesting how it's hard to sell stuff here, but people still will to deal with ePay.


Lukie lists on eBay and Amazon at the same time. If it sells in one place they have a system that takes the other listing down. If it sells in both places at the same time, they take the oldest. I try not to cross post for this very reason.



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If they didn't take your money you didn't get hosed.



Yep. I bid on F1 Pole Position for N64, won the auction, then received a message informing me that they had run out of stock on this particular game. Say what?!


Seller called Lukie Games apparently ran an auction for a game that he/she did not even have in his/her possession. Does ebay not police this type of crap in the slightest? Is there no penalty for this type of shenanigans?


Then they had the gall to offer me a replacement when it came in. In other words, wait and let them hold my cash in the meantime. Again, say what?!


Is this what ebay auctions are coming to?


Not sure I agree. Buyers whine all the time about getting "stiffed" and "hosed" by buyers who win but don't pay...He didn't get hosed out of money, but this is obviously a scammer. The OP should post a link or the seller to warn others.

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Was it complete, or special or something? I couldn't get rid of that title for a month in my May thread. Eventually gave up trying to get $1 for it. Interesting how it's hard to sell stuff here, but people still will to deal with ePay.


Lukie lists on eBay and Amazon at the same time. If it sells in one place they have a system that takes the other listing down. If it sells in both places at the same time, they take the oldest. I try not to cross post for this very reason.




For the record, you've got a lot of stuff I'd love to buy but money is tight and I'm very picky about what I buy lately. By that I mean console specific items. Postal strikes don't help either. :x


Doesn't mean you don't have quality stuff though AX :thumbsup:

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If they didn't take your money you didn't get hosed.



Yep. I bid on F1 Pole Position for N64, won the auction, then received a message informing me that they had run out of stock on this particular game. Say what?!


Seller called Lukie Games apparently ran an auction for a game that he/she did not even have in his/her possession. Does ebay not police this type of crap in the slightest? Is there no penalty for this type of shenanigans?


Then they had the gall to offer me a replacement when it came in. In other words, wait and let them hold my cash in the meantime. Again, say what?!


Is this what ebay auctions are coming to?


Not sure I agree. Buyers whine all the time about getting "stiffed" and "hosed" by buyers who win but don't pay...He didn't get hosed out of money, but this is obviously a scammer. The OP should post a link or the seller to warn others.



I've dealt with LukieGames on e-pay in the past and I really really really doubt they were attempting to scam anyone. If you look at the huge amount of stuff they sell, you can expect a mistake to be made here and there.

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I know you're mad and all about this, and understandably so. But you wasted 10x more time coming on here and starting a thread about. I mean what makes the time you spent waiting out the auction more valuable than say the time you spend on here making this thread for instance, or any other activity you engage in. I'm just saying from another persons point of view there is no difference, most people think about other peoples time this way. I mean by your definition stopping at a stop sign is a waste of your time. I personally just have the ebay app on my phone, and when I get outbid, or the auction is ending it lets me know, easy parcheesi.


I mean you are also just mad about two separate things that should not exasperate each other to make you more mad. You are mad that you wasted time on the auction, then you are mad they will hold your money as a "reserve" of sorts. If you are so mad about the time you wasted, let them keep that amount of money and that will make that time worthwhile, which you originally thought was wasted. Seems to me like you're having a knee jerk type reaction.


This all said I understand you're mad. But I think it is a bit of an overreaction given the severity of the mistake. This is probably one of the least severe mistakes Lukiegames could have made and with the amount of merch they are moving, mistakes happen. I'm not saying you shouldn't be aggravated, but trying to get ebay to punish lukiegames is kinda far with it considering they already admitted to you that it was a mistake and mistakes happen.

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Sometime telling Atari Age about your troubles is therapeutic.


What you guys often take as whining, is really just how some people let it go.


I know that I'm not just telling my friends, when I complain here about all the stuff that has me down... but it feels like it.


When you drop that ton of bricks, you can get on with life and be happy again.


Thanks AA.



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If that is their outlook, that it is OK to short a sale here and there, then they obviously do not care about their feedback rating. Mine will definitely be negative for this auction.


As well it should be. :thumbsup: A bid is a contract, as is an offer to sell. Had you won and not paid they would have filed a non paying bidder complaint, and were this the old days you'd have gotten a neg yourself for non-payment.

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I know you're mad and all about this, and understandably so. But you wasted 10x more time coming on here and starting a thread about. I mean what makes the time you spent waiting out the auction more valuable than say the time you spend on here making this thread for instance, or any other activity you engage in. I'm just saying from another persons point of view there is no difference, most people think about other peoples time this way. I mean by your definition stopping at a stop sign is a waste of your time. I personally just have the ebay app on my phone, and when I get outbid, or the auction is ending it lets me know, easy parcheesi.


I mean you are also just mad about two separate things that should not exasperate each other to make you more mad. You are mad that you wasted time on the auction, then you are mad they will hold your money as a "reserve" of sorts. If you are so mad about the time you wasted, let them keep that amount of money and that will make that time worthwhile, which you originally thought was wasted. Seems to me like you're having a knee jerk type reaction.


This all said I understand you're mad. But I think it is a bit of an overreaction given the severity of the mistake. This is probably one of the least severe mistakes Lukiegames could have made and with the amount of merch they are moving, mistakes happen. I'm not saying you shouldn't be aggravated, but trying to get ebay to punish lukiegames is kinda far with it considering they already admitted to you that it was a mistake and mistakes happen.


That took me 48 seconds to read i want a refund for my time please :D :D (i'm kidding of course)




And as far as Lukiegames and their large volume of merch:




- 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.


- 268,500 defective tires will be shipped this year.


- 103,260 income tax returns will be processed incorrectly this year.


- 811,000 faulty rolls of 35mm film will be loaded this year.


- 14,208 defective personal computers will be shipped this year.


- 2,488,200 books will be shipped in the next 12 months with the wrong cover.


- Two plane landings daily at O' Hare International Airport in Chicago will be unsafe.


- 3,056 copies of tomorrow's Wall Street Journal will be missing one of the three sections.


- 18,322 pieces of mail will be mishandled in the next hour.


- 291 pacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly this year.


- 880,000 credit cards in circulation will turn out to have incorrect cardholder information on their magnetic strip.


- $761,900 will be spent in the next 12 months on tapes and CDs that will not play.


- 55 malfunctioning automatic teller machines will be installed in the next 12 months.


- 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions will be written in the next 12 months.


- 114,500 mismatched pairs of shoes will be shipped this year.


- 107 incorrect medical procedures will be performed by the end of the day today.


- 315 entries in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language will be misspelled.


- $9,690 will be spent every day on defective, often unsafe sporting equipment.


- 2,000,000 documents will be lost by the IRS this year.


- 22,000 checks will be deducted from the wrong bank accounts in the next 60 minutes.


- Homes would be without electricity, heat, water, and telephone service for 15 minutes every day.


- Every page of the telephone directory would contain four wrong numbers.

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This happened to me once with some tabletop role-playing game stuff that I tried to buy. The guy offered me a refund right away when he realized he didn't actually have any more in stock. Not everyone who deals on eBay is a small-time private seller. I guess I could get angry about it. Maybe I've just been conditioned by the corporate mentality of retail chain stores.


Now if they tried to keep your money and wouldn't allow a refund...that would anger me.

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I know you're mad and all about this, and understandably so. But you wasted 10x more time coming on here and starting a thread about. I mean what makes the time you spent waiting out the auction more valuable than say the time you spend on here making this thread for instance, or any other activity you engage in. I'm just saying from another persons point of view there is no difference, most people think about other peoples time this way. I mean by your definition stopping at a stop sign is a waste of your time. I personally just have the ebay app on my phone, and when I get outbid, or the auction is ending it lets me know, easy parcheesi.


I mean you are also just mad about two separate things that should not exasperate each other to make you more mad. You are mad that you wasted time on the auction, then you are mad they will hold your money as a "reserve" of sorts. If you are so mad about the time you wasted, let them keep that amount of money and that will make that time worthwhile, which you originally thought was wasted. Seems to me like you're having a knee jerk type reaction.


This all said I understand you're mad. But I think it is a bit of an overreaction given the severity of the mistake. This is probably one of the least severe mistakes Lukiegames could have made and with the amount of merch they are moving, mistakes happen. I'm not saying you shouldn't be aggravated, but trying to get ebay to punish lukiegames is kinda far with it considering they already admitted to you that it was a mistake and mistakes happen.


Let me guess, you are either the owner of Lukie Games, or your brother is. Also, my guess is that complaining to e-pay will do no good whatsoever because Lukie Games does such large volume on their site. e-pay is not about to bite the hand that feeds it. None of that makes what happened right in any manner, shape, or form. My negative feedback will only impact their rating slightly, and they know that. So be it.

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You are totally in your right to neg them I feel like. I just think its quite a bit far for my tastes when its stuff that "just happens", again the severity of the mistake is pretty small, for you to then come on a site and tell others you got "hosed" is a bit of an overstatement I mean at the very least I expected a "wrong game", "label not as pictured" type of incident at the very least. If you're really that concerned, forget ebay, file a complaint with the FTC! I mean all of these actions will get you no where and you will catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. I understand you were venting, my post was just pointing out that you may have been taking this a little too seriously.


It seemed like whoever communicated with you was hoping to settle things, sometimes those communications don't come at all, even if you weren't going to meet them half-way, you could have taken a step toward their direction at least. I mean the apology and offers to remedy should account for something no matter how crappy the remedies were. I totally agree with AX's post about the venting, when I read this thread originally it came off more as gathering a mob or something, though.


Nothing personal was really meant by the post, I know people are venting, that is just the way I choose to look at it just like the way you chose to look at the incident originally. Also just for the record, I do not own, work for, or know anyone who works for or owns lukie games.


@ kroogur - I don't really even want to address this post, I am guessing that you C&Ped from somewhere. In all honesty though arguably everything in your list is MORE important than buying a video game. And how was the determination made that I had implied "99 percent is always okay"?

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@ kroogur - I don't really even want to address this post, I am guessing that you C&Ped from somewhere. In all honesty though arguably everything in your list is MORE important than buying a video game. And how was the determination made that I had implied "99 percent is always okay"?


I was given a copy of a similar list many years ago by one of the instructors at the school I attended for auto mechanics, I couldn't find the exact list online so I C&P'ed a similar list to illustrate my point.


And my determination was made by your defense that they move alot of "merch". It seems that we will have to agree to disagree here but I don't care if it's video games or open heart surgery if someone is not giving 100% of their effort in their endeavors then it's not good enough. It comes down to pride in your work. Lukie games offering to ship the game when it became available was not a good effort considering they made a mistake to begin with. The proper response would have been 'We apologize for the misunderstanding and at this time we would like to either offer you a full refund or if you prefer we will ship your game to you when we have another copy available plus a 10% discount refunded to you for the inconvenience.' I have worked retail for a number of years before becoming a mechanic and any company I worked for had such policies to offer to the customer if we could not satisfy them.


The golden ax is a great example of how a seller should work, if there is ever a problem with one of his deals he goes to great lengths to make it right.


I have no beef with you and my first sentence in my earlier post was simply a lighthearted potshot about the length of you post in response to tz101 wasting 10x more time making his original post I apologize if it came across too mean spirited as sometimes things don't translate well on the web. :)

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Don't know why I didn't notice this thread earlier. Same thing happened to me when I won a game from them. Seemed honest, was willing to refund my money or give me the option to wait until they got another copy. Sure it was annoying, but I didn't think of it as being hosed or ripped off. Mistakes happen if you have a large supply and if they're willing to correct the mistake then I say no foul. Definitely not as bad as some other sellers who actually tried to rip me off.

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@ kroogur - I don't really even want to address this post, I am guessing that you C&Ped from somewhere. In all honesty though arguably everything in your list is MORE important than buying a video game. And how was the determination made that I had implied "99 percent is always okay"?


I was given a copy of a similar list many years ago by one of the instructors at the school I attended for auto mechanics, I couldn't find the exact list online so I C&P'ed a similar list to illustrate my point.


And my determination was made by your defense that they move alot of "merch". It seems that we will have to agree to disagree here but I don't care if it's video games or open heart surgery if someone is not giving 100% of their effort in their endeavors then it's not good enough. It comes down to pride in your work. Lukie games offering to ship the game when it became available was not a good effort considering they made a mistake to begin with. The proper response would have been 'We apologize for the misunderstanding and at this time we would like to either offer you a full refund or if you prefer we will ship your game to you when we have another copy available plus a 10% discount refunded to you for the inconvenience.' I have worked retail for a number of years before becoming a mechanic and any company I worked for had such policies to offer to the customer if we could not satisfy them.


The golden ax is a great example of how a seller should work, if there is ever a problem with one of his deals he goes to great lengths to make it right.


I have no beef with you and my first sentence in my earlier post was simply a lighthearted potshot about the length of you post in response to tz101 wasting 10x more time making his original post I apologize if it came across too mean spirited as sometimes things don't translate well on the web. :)

Ah, well understandably my post was longer than the OP. Then again, I am just not the type of person to ever bring "my time" into the equation as far as things of this sort go.


I suppose the crux of this disagreement is the relative severity of mistakes made in relation to the type of activities the mistakes happen in. I respect your position, but its a very rigid one, and one that I think some people (myself included) would call slightly unreasonable. I mean a mistake is a mistake, no matter what is it, I get that part, but the expected reaction of a mistake during brain surgery is probably more serious than an mistake in inventory that a non essential industry is providing. I think we can all agree that someone who has a mistake during surgery should feel more wronged than the OP in this case. In the section that I bolded you talk about effort being the deciding factor, and the fact is that no matter how hard they are trying, they may still be making mistakes. You are basing this on the assumption that they aren't trying 100% to not make mistakes, when this is unproven either way. I don't think we have to agree to disagree because there is no way you could ever know how much effort someone puts into something. To you if they make a mistake that means that they weren't trying with 100% effort. I think that we can both say that isn't true, you can definitely make mistakes even if you are putting forth 100% effort. I get this from your prior statements, but if you think that a mistake in listing a video game on ebay is the same seriousness-wise as a mistake during open heart surgery, you should seriously re-evaluate the way you think about the world.


A word on the business end also you mention the 10% off remedy etc. Being trained in business, I think it is totally the business that gets to decide what remedy they can offer. Their costs don't go down just because they made a mistake. Go to McDonald's and get the wrong order, and I have not only gotten the wrong food free, but the correct order and my money back. Because to McDonald's brand loyalty is important to them, they want to keep the customer and they can afford to eat the cost. However, the argument could be made that the parity between lukie games actually games and games from another business are exactly the same (because infact they are exactly the same) lukie games (and I am guessing here) probably doesn't have as high of a percentage of repeat customers as a business like McDonald's and therefore their market advantage gained by offering expensive solutions is probably negative. In short its all a business decision and this is hope capitalism works, the bad businesses will go out of business on their own because of declining support over time as a result of bad business decisions. Personally, I think that lukie games likely made the best effort they thought they could afford and just because you worked retail, this may have been a completely different business where they could "afford it". Not to mention selling used games is not really retail and even if you can somehow lump their model into a retail one it would most likely be what is called non-shop retail, probably different from what you worked in the past. If you don't like the way they work, then don't support them by buying from them, if it doesn't bother you then buy from them, in the end if they are doing something wrong they won't be around.

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