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Atari 5200 2 port, controller port dead


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Hello All, I am looking to see if if someone might have some info that may help me solve this issue, I did a forum search and nothing came up.


I have a Atari 5200 2 port, for whatever reason the machine will not accept any input from the controllers, basically I can press every button the controller and nothing will happen on the screen any help or suggestions on what might be causing this would be great


I also have a 4 port 5200 and 3 controllers, all 3 controllers work great on my 4 port, so I can rule out the controllers being the issue




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I had 1 port bad in mine, the joystick would always go left-right, but no up-down. So, the story goes, the chip that controls the input is the POKEY chip according to the schematics. I got one POKEY chip from Ballblazers for A7800. De soldered the chip from cartridge and replace it in Atari 5200.

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