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Tight fit


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So i found a few 7800 games the other day at a gaming store.There was 2 Karateka, so i bought both since they were cheap enough $6 for both.I also grabbed Galaga, decent port, and Joust, which is awesome!Holey crap, talk about a tight fit, both the Karateka's are such a tight fit i have to almost use my foot for leverage just to pull them out of the 7800.Good thing Karateka is NOT a game i'll be plugging in often anyway! :rolling: It seems they used thicker boards for this game, all my other 7800 games are all a looser fit.Either that or the Karateka's weren't played much thus counts for less wear which probably equals tighter fit. :ponder:

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On a serious note, who all here has experienced flaky 2600 action? Jeezz... plug an Activision cart into a well played 2600 and be careful you don't breathe or accidentally nudge it, else you get the thick color bar screen of death. :rolling:


All the time. I have two 7800's and one is in my closet, simply because it just won't play Activision titles at all. icon_confused.gif


Maybe it has something to do with the cartridge slot being worn out. I only kept it because it is the original one I purchased when they were first released. Just a guess that it is worn out though.

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The tight fit is due to the cartridge guides for some of the 7800's being a little too tight. I think there's a way to fix that.

Pop open the 7800's case.


Using a pair of sharp scissors or small wire cutters, cut into the corners of the cartridge guide's cup. Do this SLOWLY as the plastic used on the cartridge guide is old and brittle, and will crack in unwanted ways under too much pressure.


Do this to all 4 corners, so that the guide cup is now 4 flaps, as opposed to one single cup.


This will allow ANY large/tight or oddly shaped cart(Imagic, M-Network, etc.) to fit in your 7800 fully. However, your Activision titles with the thinner cart boards will still be suspect, and may be prone to failure.


Think of it as a Vagina Enlargement.

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