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If we take this from C64 how to get C64 ColourMap

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MK exactly...



Hm. What do you want to say exactly?


The "ideas" as with a Dune conversion are still possible ....



Here's a thought ...


Maybe use the APAC double line mode as was used in that project M game that someone else on here is working on, and use narrow mode. Also use some of the softsprite routines from that Space Harrier game. I think that's certainly reasonable.


Mode 10 is okay if you aren't using PMG's, otherwise you have to change your background in that mode and put up with a border the same color as PM0 ... mode 10 uses PM0 as the background color.



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This 256 colour mode really could result in outstanding graphics....


G2F still misses some features for optimising it. We could easily double the count of missiles and the image could be drawn directly for the 16 available brightnesses....


Quick example:








No problem to build a small horse in the 160 resolution there aswell ;)

Edited by emkay
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This 256 colour mode really could result in outstanding graphics....


G2F still misses some features for optimising it. We could easily double the count of missiles and the image could be drawn directly for the 16 available brightnesses....


Quick example:








No problem to build a small horse in the 160 resolution there aswell ;)


Emkay where do you get a photo of my car?

I don't want Money for the use of it (because it's for A8 ;) !...) but you could, at least, give me a call and ask if I give you an authorization.


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to be honest... I guess GTIA modes were not used in games because they did not fit to existing ones?


Tier 1 developer Lucasfilm released Koronis Rift which is GTIA mode using to extend so would inspire a lot of guys to use that mode but most of them did not. most usage for them were score panels etc. But have a look at Slotmachine, Henry's House and few others...


I guess that the 80x resolution is simply too low.

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to be honest... I guess GTIA modes were not used in games because they did not fit to existing ones?


Tier 1 developer Lucasfilm released Koronis Rift which is GTIA mode using to extend so would inspire a lot of guys to use that mode but most of them did not. most usage for them were score panels etc. But have a look at Slotmachine, Henry's House and few others...


I guess that the 80x resolution is simply too low.


It's depending on the game. As you might remind of NES2, where the resolution got used for the dragon flight. The A8 could do this "PC" like at this resolution.


I'd bet Koronis Rift didn't inspire others, because the game was too buggy and hard from the beginning.


Others simply had problems using PMg over GTIA modes. Missing good imaginations, no result would happen ;)

Edited by emkay
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Just some more questions.

This time turning into Horizontally scrolling.



Imagine a C64 ColourMap Horizontal scrolling with ships.

The Ground Gfxs are on Top and Bottom

The middle part of the screen is Black with all the Enemy ships...


C64 deals with this with ColourMap on Gfxs and just sprites on all the ships/Bonus/... (and sometimes also shooting).


On A8 I would do Gfxs in ANTIC4 and simulate ColourMap with PF2&PF3.

But also Our ship & Enemys PMs. overlays in PRIOR0.

This is the quickest and simple option (because Enemys and ships can go with the four PMs. overlays, no problem)


But if I still need to have more than two C64 ColourMap on Gfxs. (same question as we have here on this Thread) and if Enemys don't go into Gfxs. scanlines can I have:

-> Top and Bottom Gfxs. with PM2&PM3 underlays

-> QUESTION: Middle part with the ships moving and re-using the PMs., this time as PMs. overlays?



They are in different scanlines and that is no problem, but coding the same PMs. as underlays on Gfxs. and on the middle scanlines constantly changing x and yPos. for all the ships moving is it double and difficult to code (or cycles?)?

Edited by José Pereira
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They are in different scanlines and that is no problem, but coding the same PMs. as underlays on Gfxs. and on the middle scanlines constantly changing x and yPos. for all the ships moving is it double and difficult to code (or cycles?)?


As long as the moving objects do not cross the different regions, it's simple DLI handling.




Btw:.... some update on the car ;)






Things would get easiser if G2F shows the elements as on the real thing. Multiplexing missiles is still the key ;)

Edited by emkay
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