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My kid got scammed on ePay


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Person named Yun Fu, user name dfcbiz sold us a remote control Firetruck for my son's 7th Birthday for $39.95 shipped. When the China made hunk of crap didn't work, first day out of the box, we were told to pack it up and send it back. My kid cried on his birthday. Real nice. So I took him down to the Wal-mart and had to buy another toy (this was back in April). Long story short, the truck gets returned, weeks go by, I keep asking for my refund. The guy tells me today that it's been too long and that his boss won't let him give a refund due to the amount of time since the sale. I'm out the truck, the $39.95, the return postage, and I can't open a paypal/ebay claim because of the time since the purchase. Why have me return it if they wouldn't do a refund or at least an exchange? I'm guessing so he could sell it again. I'm left with fraud and police reports on IC3.gov as my only coarse of action. What kind of low life bastard sells toys for kids and screws em over? :mad: Thanks for listening I just wanted to vent. This seller is a true scum bag.


UPDATE: After I said I was going to the cops, at 8pm 7/18 they offered to mail the broken crap back to me. Gee thanks.



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If you have a problem with an auction, you should open a dispute with ebay before you do anything else, and certainly before you send the merchandise back. Cover your bases by working within the ebay resolution process. That's what it's there for.


Starting Aug 31 you should always contact the seller first as Ebay's new rules state that if you don't contact the seller first then they don't get penalized in their ratings.

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Another victim. I swear I'm never going to buy from China. Bunch of swindlers.


I am sad to hear how they ripped off your kid Ax. :sad: People suck! :x


I have ordered tons of stuff from China and have always been happy with the products and the service. It is always sad when one or two sellers can ruin the perception of an entire group in a country.

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There isn't much about eBay that doesn't suck anymore. If its not sellers that screw you good its buyers that loose their freaking mind if the item isn't on their door step in 2 days. I had a few auctions end on July 3rd, when those items weren't there in the 6th I had a guy putting in claims and all kinds of crap. Oh, and lets not talk about the items I have to relist now because although my auction said "United States" I got bids from all over the !@#$ing world. I didn't know we took Germany and Tiawan over, but we must have because they are clearly in the US now. People are just unreasonable anymore. When you can hide behind your monitor all the time the ugly comes out easy like.

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If you have a problem with an auction, you should open a dispute with ebay before you do anything else, and certainly before you send the merchandise back. Cover your bases by working within the ebay resolution process. That's what it's there for.


Starting Aug 31 you should always contact the seller first as Ebay's new rules state that if you don't contact the seller first then they don't get penalized in their ratings.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. It sounds like you're saying that if you contact the seller, then the seller's ratings get docked somehow. How does that work? Wouldn't it make more sense to dock a seller's ratings if they fail some aspect of the official dispute resolution process?


Anyway, as a first step, I'm obviously not against contacting the seller and letting them know that there is a problem, if that is your preference. The seller may indeed offer you a full refund or be able to provide you with a tracking # or something of that nature that will resolve your issue immediately.


However, if their response is that they will refund your money if you send the item back to them, then you should immediately file a dispute with ebay, and politely inform the seller of your reasons for doing so because when it comes to returning an item, it is vital that ebay is in the loop, and that the details of the return/refund are clearly documented by the dispute resolution process. If this is done, then in most instances, if the seller doesn't come through, ebay itself will refund your money. If you try to work something out on your own with the seller, and they don't come through for you, you'll be left high and dry.

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I received an item that was missing 2 games. Not too upset about the games, but I paid for them, and they weren't there. So I emailed the seller two times over two weeks. No response. Third week, I decided to give him neutral feedback and put in a report to eBay. Not even 5 minutes later I get an email that the person packing was new, yada yada, and that my games would be mailed "tomorrow". I wrote back and said I'd try to fix his feedback once I've received my two games in good shape. Another week has gone by ... no games yet. Yesterday I've inquired again about the games, and no response yet. I will not be attempting any further communication with the seller at this point. Will probably not pursue through eBay, as it's only 2 common games, but if I don't receive the games, he will remain with a mar on his feedback.

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Oh, and lets not talk about the items I have to relist now because although my auction said "United States" I got bids from all over the !@#$ing world.

You have to set the US-only option in your ebay preferences. It's not enough to simply put USA-only in your auction description.


I did. I made sure it was listed as US only, and eBay even argued with me over this. Every step of the way I got a message like "listing your item as available for international bids increases your chance of selling by 6%" and so on. I have seen items turn up in my searches that by the listing I should not bid on. I guess the point is to get you to message the seller if you are that interested.


I wouldnt have such a problem with it, but 3 items sold to people outside the country, and all 3 people refused to pay the shipping difference. I'm not shipping to Germany for $8, I lost money shipping at that price in side the US, you have to be out of your mind to think I'm going to eat the entire cost of the item to ship it to you.

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If you have a problem with an auction, you should open a dispute with ebay before you do anything else, and certainly before you send the merchandise back. Cover your bases by working within the ebay resolution process. That's what it's there for.


Starting Aug 31 you should always contact the seller first as Ebay's new rules state that if you don't contact the seller first then they don't get penalized in their ratings.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. It sounds like you're saying that if you contact the seller, then the seller's ratings get docked somehow. How does that work? Wouldn't it make more sense to dock a seller's ratings if they fail some aspect of the official dispute resolution process?



What Ebay is saying is that they will NOT dock the seller's rating UNLESS you make contact with the seller FIRST before opening a dispute.


Most likely impatient buyers were opening disputes with Ebay w/o even letting the seller know there was a problem and giving them time to correct it. All Ebay is saying now is if you don't contact the seller before you open a dispute then no matter how the dispute turns out the seller's performance will not be affected.


If you contact the seller first and then open a dispute then the seller's performance can get docked.

Edited by SpaceDice2010
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What Ebay is saying is that they will NOT dock the seller's rating UNLESS you make contact with the seller FIRST before opening a dispute.


Most likely impatient buyers were opening disputes with Ebay w/o even letting the seller know there was a problem and giving them time to correct it. All Ebay is saying now is if you don't contact the seller before you open a dispute then no matter how the dispute turns out the seller's performance will not be affected.


If you contact the seller first and then open a dispute then the seller's performance can get docked.

Thanks for clarifying.

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I'd leave the bastard a negative. Also, block him from bidding with you. I do that with sellers I'm displeased with just in case they want to retaliate by buying something of mine and leaving a negative. Actually I use my own account for buying and the joint account with my bro mainly for selling since that's where we have our store. I've been with ebay 13 years now and it's gone downhill.


There is a new site my friend just joined called Ebid.net. He paid a one-time $50 for a seller + lifetime account. No listing fees, no additional monthly fees and their take is 2% of the sale. I'm considering joining. $50 isn't much and hopefully they will last. They have over 4.6 million auctions on their site right now, so it doesn't look too bad on that front. They're based out of UK I think. I want to see how he does before hopping into it. You can import your turbo lister files into their program and it seems relatively easy to just upload everything with minimal work/changes.



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Oh, and lets not talk about the items I have to relist now because although my auction said "United States" I got bids from all over the !@#$ing world.

You have to set the US-only option in your ebay preferences. It's not enough to simply put USA-only in your auction description.


I did. I made sure it was listed as US only, and eBay even argued with me over this. Every step of the way I got a message like "listing your item as available for international bids increases your chance of selling by 6%" and so on. I have seen items turn up in my searches that by the listing I should not bid on. I guess the point is to get you to message the seller if you are that interested.


I wouldnt have such a problem with it, but 3 items sold to people outside the country, and all 3 people refused to pay the shipping difference. I'm not shipping to Germany for $8, I lost money shipping at that price in side the US, you have to be out of your mind to think I'm going to eat the entire cost of the item to ship it to you.


But you have not set the buyer requirement options. So you have not really blocked them.


To block buyers in states, territories, or countries you don't want to ship to:


Go to My eBay.


Click the Account tab, and then click the Site Preferences link on the left.

In the Selling Preferences section, scroll to Shipping preferences, and then click the Show link.

Next to Exclude shipping locations from your listings, click the Edit link.


Select the states, territories, or regions you don't want to ship to. You can exclude entire continents or select Show all countries, and then select the specific countries you don't want to ship to.


All excluded countries you selected will appear on the lower section of the page.


Select the Apply to all current live listings check box to apply these exclusions to all your current listings.


Click the Apply button to save your requirements.


You also have to click the box labeled as below under BUYER REQUIREMENTS



Block buyers whose primary shipping address is in a location I don't ship to.

This requirement can help you avoid buyers who agree to purchase your items without realizing you don't ship to their location.

Edited by kheffington
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I messed up on one that I thought I had properly set to US and Canada only. It was a lot of 5 boxed Intellivision games, uncommon ones, with a $25 BIN. Turns out the buyer was from Italy but since I was the one who messed up I honored the purchase. I took the box to the post office and gave him two prices - one for surface which was about $30 and one for about $60 which was air.


My second mistake was not doing research on shipping to Italy or I would have insisted on air shipping with tracking because he chose the cheaper surface shipping which, I found out later, pretty much means sending your package down the toilet. Of course the games never arrive, he disputes and wins and I'm out my games and shipping costs. :roll:

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So if I have explicitly stated that I will only ship within the mainland 48 US stated, but somehow someone slips in and bids from another country, would I be liable to eBay for it? Or would I have proper grounds to cancel the auction without a hand slap from eBay? Obviously if that were to happen, I would reimburse the buyer their payment. Either way, I would re-list and close whatever loophole allowed my listing to be viewed.

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Send invoice, put in note field that Paypal payment must include confirmed address to the lower 48 states only. If they pay and it's not in the 48 states, refund it. Wait until 3:01 AM on day 8 from end of auction and open NPB process, there should be something about buyer not following term stated in auction.


And hope eBay prevents the buyer from leaving you a neg. Buyer can't leave one until the 8th day but if you open dispute, it should block buyer from leaving one until it's closed in buyer's favor.


This is part of the reason I quit selling on eBay a couple years ago. Too easy for buyer to neg seller over trivial matters. Plus I got tired of replying to buyer's obvious dumb question "Do you ship to xxx" when it was stated in auction where I shipped. I used to answer them "No, Israel is not part of USA"; "No, Canada is not part of USA"; "No, UK is not part of USA", and such.

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