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5200 worth buying when I own an 8-bit?


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I currently own a 600XL with 128K of RAM and S-Video mod. Is the 5200 really worth buying for any particular reason if I already own an Atari 8-bit? Even just for giggles? I have never actually used a 5200 joystick before but I definitly know about its reputation. I am really interested to see how people respond to this.

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For years, I strongly felt there was no reason at all to buy a 5200 as an Atari 8-bit computer owner. After all, the games are mostly the same, with the few 5200 exclusives having been long since ported back to the 8-bits. And the 5200 controllers are wildly known to be troublesome.


My opinion finally changed when I happened to pick up a 5200 for next to nothing at a yard sale. It's just that the 5200 looks and feels like a state-of-the art game system for classic games. The console is so damn big, black, and shiny. The carts are also huge with big, colorful labels. There's just no comparison between a 5200 cart and an 8-bit cart... the 5200 carts are just so much more attractive. Plugging one into the 5200 just feels great. The use of a 2nd button is nice for a handful of games, the Trak-Ball controller is great for another set (Centipede, Missile Command) , and the controller coupler is great for a couple of others (Robotron, Space Dungeon.) A few games were re-programmed and improved greatly for the 5200 from their 8-bit cart versions (Qix, Pac-man, Dig Dug and Centipede.) And it doesn't hurt that 5200 carts are available pretty cheaply on Ebay.


On the con side, well, there's those pesky controllers. Even when rebuilt to function correctly (which pretty much ever 5200 stick needs at this point) many users find the non-centering sticks, mushy fire buttons, and awkward shape less than ideal. Thankfully, there are alternatives, such as the Redemption and Masterplay adapters, the Wico analog joystick and (my personal favorite) the 8-way Coin Controls Competition Pro joystick. While none of these are common, they certainly can be found with a bit of effort - with the Wico and CCCP being easier to find than the Redemption and Masterplay adapters.


As an Atari 8-bit computer user for over 25 years, I've been shocked at how much I enjoy the 5200. Yes, the games are largely the same, and yes the standard controllers are substandard. But it's got a certain special charm to it that I would recommend experiencing... at least "just for giggles." :-)

Edited by sdamon
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Very good answer sdamon. :thumbsup: It's a great question too, although it's been asked quite a few times over the years I'm sure. I'm in the opposite boat, as I've always wanted to get a 400/800 but didn't really think it was worth it when I already have a 5200. I've invested quite a bit of money in my 5200, in terms of controller upgrades and my Competition Pro joystick to make controller problems go away all together. Maybe someday in the future, but for now I have to shore up my 5200 and 7800 collections some more before I consider getting an 8-bit.

Edited by Gunstarhero
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I went the opposite route. I had 5200 first and then got into my 600xl later on advice of a friend. It seemed like a great way to have the games I loved on 5200 without any of the hassles. It's largely the same with a few control differences due to controller or programming. I still prefer my faves on the 5200 vs A8 counterparts. Maybe I'm just used to them there. If you have the spare coin, go for it. :)

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Thanks for the informative answers! I think I'm going to get a 5200 after all. Mainly for the sake of playing the games that work well with the analog stick(s). I hope I come across a reasonably priced and well maintained 2-port model in the near future. Space Dungeon definitely looks like a game I would want to play!

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If you're prepared to contend with the controllers, then all should be well. It's likely you're going to spend as much time and money on just the 5200 controllers as you did on the Atari 8-bit computer setup. For some, it is a labor of love, and worth it. Just know when you get one, the controllers will be screwed up and require work and/or money.

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