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Star Wars arcade average price?


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They seem to go for $20 - $25 US. Is this normal for a rarity 5 or is the price inflated recently because of a low supply on ebay? I think there is currently only one on ebay.


Other 5's such as Pitfall II and HERO can be had for $10 or $12 bucks


Sadly I payed $20 for a Pitfall II. I was pissed off about losing auctions for it all the time so I went gung-ho to get one instead of sniping a low priced one, then finding out a friend got one in a common bin for a $1 a few days later - then finding one for a $1 a few days after that myself! I never did decide but I thought about selling off my spare to recoup the money; possibly as a combo pack with Pitfall for $20 BIN on ePay.

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I just picked up both pitfall 1 & 2 for $9.50 US but I figured Star Wars arcade was only slightly higher then that perhaps but maybe because its not seen as often as Pitfall 2?


I guess rarity doesn't matter as much as availability when it comes to ebay.

If there were twenty SW:A on ebay at any one time I guess it could be had for a much lesser price. (Is that proper grammer, it doesn't sound as gooder)

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I remember two years ago, a friend of mine, and fellow collector of Atari, had been looking for this and offered $20 to anyone with an available one and I'm not sure if he evn has to this date to tell the truth. He collected action figures as well so maybe he was willing to pay more than the going price??? I had to give up a copy of Spy Hunter for my copy of this game. That was four years ago. I viewed it as a $25 trade at the time but today, it may be more like a $20 trade.



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