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Curt Vendel Appreciation thread


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I hope Curt reads this, and will continue to "make stuff" in the future!


As recent activity here at the site has indicated, what we need is a way more quickly screen out antagonistic butt-holes who come here to troll, and trash-talk the creative geniuses who "make stuff" for the rest of the community.


One of the most impressive things about these homebrew/hobbyist creations is that their existence can be largely (or entirely, depending on case) attributed to ONE PERSON or a few select individuals. I mean, if you think about it, these people have created something in the world, that means something to a lot of people. NOT EVERYONE CAN DO THAT. It's quite cool. When these butt-holes piss these people off, the damage and loss to the rest of the enthusiasts is just too great, hence my desire for an "eject button" for them, as discouraging these creative folks is a grave offense. Perhaps if not an "eject" button, a way to ban particular trolling troublemakers from particular threads, by way of popular vote? That wouldn't be so harsh, and might keep from frustrating our "Atari heroes" as has been happening as of late.


Fortunately, Al took care of the rancorous churl who stirred up trouble, lately. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Edited by wood_jl
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I hope Curt reads this, and will continue to "make stuff" in the future!


As recent activity here at the site has indicated, what we need is a way more quickly screen out antagonistic butt-holes who come here to troll, and trash-talk the creative geniuses who "make stuff" for the rest of the community.


One of the most impressive things about these homebrew/hobbyist creations is that their existence can be largely (or entirely, depending on case) attributed to ONE PERSON or a few select individuals. I mean, if you think about it, these people have created something in the world, that means something to a lot of people. NOT EVERYONE CAN DO THAT. It's quite cool. When these butt-holes piss these people off, the damage and loss to the rest of the enthusiasts is just too great, hence my desire for an "eject button" for them, as discouraging these creative folks is a grave offense. Perhaps if not an "eject" button, a way to ban particular trolling troublemakers from particular threads, by way of popular vote? That wouldn't be so harsh, and might keep from frustrating our "Atari heroes" as has been happening as of late.


Fortunately, Al took care of the rancorous churl who stirred up trouble, lately. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




I was thinking the same thing as well. And before anyone starts with the "Nazi tactics" or similar comments, remember, we are talking about the obvious TROLLS here. I know that there is already a system of sorts in place, as seen by Al's recent eject of one bad apple, but that went on for far to long with detrimental harm to Curt's and other's efforts.


The way I see it, there are certain topics with just too much at stake to allow people to come here and dump on them without really knowing what they are talking about, or thinking that everyone's opinion holds some merit and deserves to be voiced- sometimes over and over again. Some opinions are garbage. They have no business dragging down threads dealing with things as important as the 7800XM or all the other harware and software project threads.


I don't understand why anyone would want to S**T on the very people keeping this hobby alive. I just dont get it. :roll:


To say it again- great job Curt and the whole 7800XM team, and thank you for taking on a dream (not just yours) and making it a reality. :thumbsup:

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That sidewalk spit is delicious! :D

Silly goose! Don't you know that was a perfectly innocuous and innocent remark that didn't affect anyone's actions in any way whatsoever?



You keep saying your gonna drop it but you just can't do it can you? It's pretty pathetic actually. Again, thanks for coming out cause you are the best! I never directed a single word towards a specific person untill you opened your yapper and even then I only directed 2 postings to a specific person including this post and

both found themselves directed towards you for obvious reasons.


Also, for those that just don't get it (like the above quoted special person) I never said or even implied anything negative about Mr. Vendel in the above linked thread BUT I did imply (without being specific to the people and\or persons to keep it civil and an anyonamous at that time) that he does have some followers on AtariAge that seem to be willing to damn near jump off a cliff if he told them too, clear cases of being past fanatic. A comment that had nothing to do with Mr. Vendel and all to do with other UNNAMED people aside from him. Fanatic actions of others he has no control over. I really didn't expect to have to spell it out like this. Maybe I expected too much to be able to use an euphemism without some people not being able to understand it and\or twist it all to hell.


These will be my last words on the whole topic and\or ideas around it. If anyone doesn't get it at this point I guess they just never will.

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Also, since I failed to include him in the limerick list (just couldn't come up with one at the time, tried); here are TWO. RT originally had two, but I had to jettison one.



the trusted vendor by the name of curt

vendel's name is dragged in coarse dirt!

but the vandals did fail

to water that good ale

& with the lionskins of honor he's girt!




if "You want your cash back!"

to reality you must crash back

a clarion-clear sign

that this isn't 89

is the success of both models of flashback.

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Thank you Curt. You've breathed new life in this forum, this society, and this technology. All of us here can't thank you enough for what you've done, and the appreciation is sky high! Thank you Bob, thank you Groovy Bee Mark, thanks to all who put in their time and effort on the XM and any homebrew project for the 7800 and other Atari systems. Curt, you are the man and deserve the highest regard possible, and nothing else. Please stay and continue on when you are able to, we really do love you and your work. It's really nice to see you post anything whatsoever. That goes for Bob and Mark as well - and all programmers here.


All the best to Curt and the people actually making things happen at AtariAge, kudos to all of you. If I ever see y'all, beers on me.


Chris Friday


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I've been an Atari fan for 16 years and discovered the Atari Museum website (the former Atari Historical Society) 12 years ago. Long story short, Curt Vendel is a major reason I've remained interested in Atari and especially their products that never made it to stores.


I wish him success with the 7800 XM expansion module and look forward to future products from Legacy Engineering.



Thank You,

Bernard "Innovative Leisure" Anderson

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Curt, Im still thanking you for the FB2...

I'd thank him for that too, but I keep breaking cartridges by slamming them into the place where I think a slot should be. I have the hope that if I smash enough cartridges into it, a slot will eventually appear. Thousands of cartridges will be lost, but I have faith that it's going to work, so it's worth it. :D

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Curt, Im still thanking you for the FB2...

I'd thank him for that too, but I keep breaking cartridges by slamming them into the place where I think a slot should be. I have the hope that if I smash enough cartridges into it, a slot will eventually appear. Thousands of cartridges will be lost, but I have faith that it's going to work, so it's worth it. :D

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

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Thank you for keeping classic Atari alive in so many ways. I appreciate your hard work and dedication. Thanks to you, many people are able to enjoy pure, simple, fun. Thank you for the countless hours of fun on the Flashback 2. And, many, many hours of fun to come, with the XM.


:) :thumbsup:

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On topic here, +1 for Curt building cool shit for the Atari and preserving information that would otherwise be lost to the ages.

Hi Shawn

I agree :)

But if i were Curt,i would not anounce a release date,until it is really done.This would make it easier for customers.We all should know,that good things need time.I for myself can wait and i am used long waiting times from several other projects.

greetings Walter

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