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Closing in on a 7800


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I've really been wanting a true classic system to keep myself dedicated to, a number of weeks ago I looked up the Atari 7800 (which honestly I hadn't known about previously) and some of the games; slowly becoming interested. I've been on ebay and craigslist many times over the past month in search of a system, trying to find the best deal I could. Last night found out one of my friends (who sells video games for a living) has a 7800 with 6 games (one on one basketball, ball blazer, centipede, pole position, can't remember the others)... going later on today to grab the system. How much am I paying? Well I'm trading in some gamecube stuff (games/wavbebird), a game boy pocket & some games, and probably a N64 which is going to get me the system free of charge. I already have some targets for games (definitely want to play Desert Falcon) and am going to grab a JoyPad when I'm paid next week. Overall I'm excited, and I'm doing the overnight shift tonight @ work so I'll probably bring it along with me. I'll post pics of the system when I get the chance.


Just wanted to share my story with everyone :lust:

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:cool: If you like emulation there are plenty of 7800 ROMs in the 7800 rarity guide (click on 7800 above) so you can experience/play the titles before you go out and buy them. If you are interested in playing homebrew games there is an active 7800 development scene. Nearly all the homebrew titles can be bought from the AA store (when it opens again) and most ROMs are available for the released titles. There is an expansion module (XM) for the 7800 in development (and shipping shortly). The XM adds extra RAM, sound and expansion capabilities to a stock 7800. Games are are also being developed for the XM too.
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I've read about the XM and very excited about the homebrew games.. I was redirected here by the guys on the racket boy forums. Very glad I took their advice & came. Usually I look games up on youtube and read a majority of the comments, if the game seems good & has positive reviews I'll probably buy it. How much are the homebrew games usually?

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Picked up the 7800 today with Pole Position 2, Ball Blazer, One on One, Winter Games, Baseball, and Centipede. I gave my friend a wavebird, with a gamecube memory card, and a game boy pocket with 3 games. Very pleased so far, I've actually never played Centipede in my life, but it's exactly the kind of game I will really enjoy (extremely straightforward lol), currently using a Master System control pad (joypad coming this week).


The system is in overall pretty good shape, some minor scuffs and dust.. what's the best way to clean the system?

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I've never tried the magic erasers on a plastic console shell. It was magical on the vinyl interior in my car though - nothing else could get all that grime out. I'd use water though, no alcohol.

They're abrasive and sometimes take off paint. I doubt it would do anything good to the plastic, and I'm not sure if it would leave the paint on the metal piece. But if you try it on the metal piece and it fails, I think Best Electronics sells new ones.

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Ha okay, sounds pretty easy.. one of my friends told me to use that Mr Clean magic eraser with very diluted alcohol

Using alcohol and Magic Eraser will ruin the texture at the very least. Probably discolor or otherwise turn parts of the console white as well if you're not careful.


Little bit of Fantastic (or like minded) and a regular cloth rag is all I'd take to it for a quick and safe cleaning. If really bad, then I usually take a console apart and wash all the plastic in the sink with dishwashing detergent.

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