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Connecting RF / switch box consoles to VGA box


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At the risk of heresy, I'll admit to being curious about whether I can play my 2600 and other RF / switch box consoles on my LCD monitor via a VGA box. I do have a CRT for retro consoles, but desk space is becoming a premium.


I have one of these: K-World 1440


It works great with my PS2. I've tried to hook up my 2600 to the coax input on the VGA box using the RCA-coax adapter, but I can't get a signal on my monitor. I was just wondering if this setup is even possible since I don't know much about the types of signals that are being output by the 2600 and can be received/converted by the VGA box. Thanks in advance!

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Cheap-ish VGA box probably just can't deal with the 2600's non-standard output. You'd have better luck converting to VGA if you do a Composite video mod to the 2600, then convert that to VGA.

Still may not work, though.


OK. I was wondering whether the 2600 had non-standard output. I will unpack my Odyssey 2 later today and see if it can't output to the box. My dream of one VGA box to play them all may be just that -- a dream. I might go down the HDTV-as-monitor route now...

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Cheap-ish VGA box probably just can't deal with the 2600's non-standard output. You'd have better luck converting to VGA if you do a Composite video mod to the 2600, then convert that to VGA.

Still may not work, though.


OK. I was wondering whether the 2600 had non-standard output. I will unpack my Odyssey 2 later today and see if it can't output to the box. My dream of one VGA box to play them all may be just that -- a dream. I might go down the HDTV-as-monitor route now...


You *can* use a VCR if you like to play the nonstandard devices on the monitor. :)

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I was wondering about that. Someone had mentioned in passing the possibility of using a VCR. Guess I shouldn't have recycled my VCR with S-Video output! (It was eating my tapes, what could I do?)


So just to be sure, I would hook it up this way:


2600 > VCR coax TV-in (with RCA/coax adapter)


VCR coax/composite/s-video out (can't remember what my last VCR has for outputs) > VGA box?


Thanks for the advice -- I'm eager to try this solution once I get home.

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I was wondering about that. Someone had mentioned in passing the possibility of using a VCR. Guess I shouldn't have recycled my VCR with S-Video output! (It was eating my tapes, what could I do?)


So just to be sure, I would hook it up this way:


2600 > VCR coax TV-in (with RCA/coax adapter)


VCR coax/composite/s-video out (can't remember what my last VCR has for outputs) > VGA box?


Thanks for the advice -- I'm eager to try this solution once I get home.


That's exactly right. :)

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Using the VCR did the trick. The image looks about as I had expected -- a tad blurry and washed out. Worst of all are the black, vertical bars that you see in between the colored pixels. No lag at all, however. A fun experiment, but I think I may go back to the CRT to enjoy the excellent H6 RF output.

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