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5200 Controllers Questions


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After recently getting back into Atari via emulation, yesterday I reconnected my Atari 5200 and played a few games. I really enjoyed it! There's something about actually playing the system vs. emulation. I even didn't find the controllers to be that difficult to use. (with one exception, coming up)


I purchased the system about 4-5 years ago, and it came with 2 rebuilt controllers. However, some of the buttons are now not very responsive (it might take 2-3, or even more pushes to register the response).


My question is, if I want to get the controllers rebuilt again, who would you recommend to do this, to give me the maximum controller life before having to do it again? Is there a particular company or individual whose work you would recommend over everyone else who does this?


Also, what currently available alternatives are there to the standard controllers? I read about some on the 5200 pages and in the forums, such as the WICO controllers, and I believe Competition Pro. It sounds like most, if not all of these would be found on eBay. Is there another avenue?

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I do not know of many who refurb the controllers besides Best Electronics and myself.


As for alternatives: Wico sticks are iffy. By this, I mean that the pots go out on them and are expensive to replace.


Bohoki used to sell a PC controller adapter that is stellar. The catch is that you need to locate some good 15 pin PC digital pads/sticks to use it.


Prodos8 sometimes sells a product known as a Master Play clone. It allows you to use 2600 and Sega Master System/Genesis controllers and is stellar. The catch is that you have to get your hands on Wico "Y" cable to use it. They can be found on ebay but are generally pricey. Also, you need a 2600 or Sega controlelr, which are easy to come by.


Be aware that all 5200 games do not respond well to digital directional inputs like you will get with PC and Sega/2600 controllers. Super Breakout, Missile Command, Gyruss, and Popeye to name a few.


Those are your current options as I understand them.

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I could refurb yours for around $15 (can sometimes be less) a piece plus shipping. I mainly charge for parts and donate my time. Just like to help fellow gamers enjoy the finer points of the 5200.


They work like new when I am done.

Edited by tz101
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