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Differences between 7800, 5200, 8-bit arcade ports?


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This thread makes me want to shoot myself in the face. To equate the 5200 to the 7800 as "a wash" is insanity.


That's a little rude, isn't it?


The OP was asking whether the 5200's or 7800's games offer the "best" gameplay. I said it's a wash, that both systems have great games with great gameplay. You yourself agree that they both have good games. So what's the problem? :?


Shoulda known I'd come in here just to find Jetset Atari Joe shoving his opinion down other people's throats and silencing the opinions of others. Typical. Keep up the good work, boss :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


:D :ponder: :P

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This thread makes me want to shoot myself in the face. To equate the 5200 to the 7800 as "a wash" is insanity.


That's a little rude, isn't it?


The OP was asking whether the 5200's or 7800's games offer the "best" gameplay. I said it's a wash, that both systems have great games with great gameplay. You yourself agree that they both have good games. So what's the problem? :?


Yeah, more than rude. Just a stupid post. Sparks? No less than plugging the wire into a 2600 when its already plugged in the wall. And then ranting about it feeling limited? Its the 70s (?) 8-bit computer in a large console shell..... I guess you have to expect this sort of thing when you wander into any section of the forums other than the 5200 section. :)


That said to the OP, in this day and age with the low prices (with patience) all these things can be gotten for, you should get everything and anything Atari and enjoy. Lots of fun. :thumbsup:

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My 7800 arrived today. It looks like it is basically new in an open box. :) A couple of questions for fellow 7800 owners.


Everything works fine except the controllers. One doesn't have working buttons, and the other one won't go right. Doesn't really matter to me since everything else is in great shape, and because I prefer and can use 2600 controllers, but were these controllers known to fail like the 5200 controllers? Or did I just get a bad set?


Love the pause button. But I'm guessing it doesn't work with 2600 games, only 7800 games?

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Love the pause button. But I'm guessing it doesn't work with 2600 games, only 7800 games?


As a pause function, correct. I think there's a couple of 2600 games that detect they're running on the 7800 and use the PAUSE button in lieu of another button/switch that would be used if played on a 2600.


My memory is fuzzy, but I think SECRET QUEST 2600 uses the PAUSE button.

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My 7800 arrived today. It looks like it is basically new in an open box. :) A couple of questions for fellow 7800 owners.


Everything works fine except the controllers. One doesn't have working buttons, and the other one won't go right. Doesn't really matter to me since everything else is in great shape, and because I prefer and can use 2600 controllers, but were these controllers known to fail like the 5200 controllers? Or did I just get a bad set?


Love the pause button. But I'm guessing it doesn't work with 2600 games, only 7800 games?

I'm hardly the authority here, but as far as I know, 7800 controllers are not especially prone to failure. In fact I have never encountered a dead one.


Pick up a Genesis controller while you are looking for a new one.

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I'm hardly the authority here, but as far as I know, 7800 controllers are not especially prone to failure. In fact I have never encountered a dead one.


Pick up a Genesis controller while you are looking for a new one.


I suspected that they wouldn't just fail without use. These two controllers are shot. What's weird is that everything else in the box is new, but these controllers are obviously used and a little dirty. I wonder if this was an open box return where some enterprising shopper swapped out his broken sticks for the new ones. Doesn't matter -- the seller is doing a partial refund, and I'd probably use 2600 sticks anyway. Now I'll have to pick up a Genesis controller too.

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I'm hardly the authority here, but as far as I know, 7800 controllers are not especially prone to failure. In fact I have never encountered a dead one.


Pick up a Genesis controller while you are looking for a new one.


I suspected that they wouldn't just fail without use. These two controllers are shot. What's weird is that everything else in the box is new, but these controllers are obviously used and a little dirty. I wonder if this was an open box return where some enterprising shopper swapped out his broken sticks for the new ones. Doesn't matter -- the seller is doing a partial refund, and I'd probably use 2600 sticks anyway. Now I'll have to pick up a Genesis controller too.


A bit high in price, but THIS eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3504689863121?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=350468986312&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] controller is great. Much better than the stock sticks and is made to use with the 7800. Plus auto-fire works great in games like Empire Strikes Back. :-)

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A bit high in price, but THIS eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3504689863121?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=350468986312&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] controller is great. Much better than the stock sticks and is made to use with the 7800. Plus auto-fire works great in games like Empire Strikes Back. :-)


Very cool. I haven't seen another made-for-7800 controller, but then again I haven't been looking until now. A bit pricy but not outrageous. I've also heard that original Flashback joysticks work with the 7800 but that they are pretty bad.


One more question: with my broken 7800 controllers, the knobs at the top of the shaft rotate. Is this a paddle function, or does it not do anything? (Or are they not supposed to rotate at all? :o )

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I've also heard that original Flashback joysticks work with the 7800 but that they are pretty bad.


I read multiple posts on this forum in dedicated systems that said that they don't work on the 2600 or 7800 and that they are actually NES controllers with a 9-pin port. Flashback 2 controllers work on 2600 and they seem to be pretty good, though the joystick screws off easily.


7800 sticks have no paddle function.

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I've also heard that original Flashback joysticks work with the 7800 but that they are pretty bad.


I read multiple posts on this forum in dedicated systems that said that they don't work on the 2600 or 7800 and that they are actually NES controllers with a 9-pin port. Flashback 2 controllers work on 2600 and they seem to be pretty good, though the joystick screws off easily.


7800 sticks have no paddle function.


I've always been intimidated when hearing about the controller mods that people do since I haven't (yet) gone down that road. But if the Flashback 7800 controllers were NES controllers with a 9-pin port, it seems as though it would be pretty easy to cannibalize the cord/connector from the Flashback joystick, rewire it to your NES controller of choice, and have a really good 2600 stick/pad. But this seems only worth it to me if you could retain the 7800 functionality since there are excellent controller options for the 2600.

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Love the pause button. But I'm guessing it doesn't work with 2600 games, only 7800 games?


As a pause function, correct. I think there's a couple of 2600 games that detect they're running on the 7800 and use the PAUSE button in lieu of another button/switch that would be used if played on a 2600.


My memory is fuzzy, but I think SECRET QUEST 2600 uses the PAUSE button.


The Pause button on the 7800 replaces the TV Type switch that was found on the 2600. Secret Quest would pause (go to the status screen) on a 2600 by toggling the TV Type switch.

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Never mind. It just dawned on me that the FB1 controllers are basically NES controllers with a 9-pin NES connector, not NES controllers with a 9-pin 2600 connector.


Yeah. The connectors look like 2600 connectors, but the wiring is different. They fit in the 7800, but aren't compatible.

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