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Frenzy being cancelled...


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I've wanted to see a version of Frenzy that it's possible to finish. Kind of like an adventure-ish but you have to kill Otto in the end to win instead of an infinite game.


Or a giant robot. :)


I always thought Frenzy/Berzerk would be cool with some boss fights along the way.



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Yay! Frenzy is awesome. And while the 2600 version looks like it is shaping into something special, I still think the 7800 will produce something closer to the original. And as you added little tweaks to the gameplay of Circus Atari, maybe we'll see a classic and expanded mode for this. I'm sure there is room for some clever ideas, and maybe (as I'm often to say)... a little multiplayer!


Speaking of multiplayer and shooting things, what about Wizard of Wor? That's a wickedly fun game. I'm guessing that there was no multi-tap for the 7800... team based Wizard of Wor? Awesome.

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