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Need to no info on how to s-video a sega 32x help!

king 101

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Need help on a S-video mod for the sega 32x, I saw a user who done the mod his name his ooXxXoo.

I contacted him at the sega 16 forums for info on how the mod is done he has refuse to reply to my emails.



So im done with that guy. moving on now.


So now im stuck with people who give me replys of things and parts that I do not understand with no photos as to what are these parts are that they are telling me. I need people who has done S-video mod on the sega neptune or 32x that can give a input with photos and explane to me in dummy terms on how the mod works in installing it? I never done S-video in my life but with the right help and photos will go a long way and i seen that happen to me before.


Thank you for looking. I hope to meet new and better people on here then the other site.

Edited by king 101
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I believe all the info is out there, if you'll just look around. Maybe ask if you've got a specific question? BTW, I'm not seeing the pic you may have posted above.



Well i had look around already there was a info about the mod over at sega 16 but like all the names of the parts i did not know and understand, there are no photos of the parts at all just mostly texting on that website.


as for the photo i try to post, it was not able to posted on becuase of problems.

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If you don't know the names of the parts, why don't you look them up? As Rex stated, all the info is out there. Looks like you just want someone to do the mental work for you by putting together a "modding for dummies" guide. Modding is not for the mentally lazy, unfortunately.



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i know about soldering but not electronics how the fuck am I gonna look up shit on google.




On a motherbourd there are lots of parts on there if you did not notice and as for lazy im really a person who works with my hands.




Part of the problem is morons like you im getting like a cancer disorder.




If im soo lazy then can you tell me how come I can do a ps2 slim modchip while you suffering your eyes out.


I dont wany people to work on my shit I wonna know to to mother fucking do it myself.




Have you work on ps2 slim region mod


How are you going to look things up? Well, you said that the information that you looked at discussed parts with which you were unfamiliar. So you take that part and you type it into Google to see what it is. And you read lots of threads on other websites. My background is not in electronics, but when I started modding my own systems, I taught myself what I needed to know by doing a lot of reading online.


Have I modded a slim PS2? No. I've done plenty of my own modding though, and done it without asking other people to write up a step-by-step walk-through for me. And I have no doubt that if I needed s-video output from my 32X, I could have it done by this time tomorrow.


Next time you have something to say to me, no matter how laden with profanity and misspellings it may be (a red dotted line underneath a word means that you spelled it wrong), do it in public instead of through PMs. PM me again and I'll just delete it without reading it.



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I'm sorry for being a moron. I've only modded about a dozen PS1s, half dozen fat PS2s, dozen xboxes, handful of gamecubes and wiis, a couple of Genesis units, jaguar, and pair of 7800s. But you did that slim PS2 once upon a time so I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Glad I gave you a "cancer disorder" though.

Edited by Rex Dart
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