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need PAL carts for the AA store?


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I would take precaution dealing with him, I've tried working out a couple of deals with him and nothing ever happened. I ended up just buying one of his auctions and what do you know, I've been waiting for the package since November 29th 2002 and I still don't have it. :roll:

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I would take precaution dealing with him, I've tried working out a couple of deals with him and nothing ever happened. I ended up just buying one of his auctions and what do you know, I've been waiting for the package since November 29th 2002 and I still don't have it. :roll:


I have dealt with him sometimes using ebay, no problems.

But he hasen´t left feedback anytime. :(



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I would take precaution dealing with him, I've tried working out a couple of deals with him and nothing ever happened. I ended up just buying one of his auctions and what do you know, I've been waiting for the package since November 29th 2002 and I still don't have it. :roll:


I have dealt with him sometimes using ebay, no problems.

But he hasen´t left feedback anytime. :(




You have to keep in mind , that sending outside of Europe can take 6-8 weeks , even with Air Mail.And packages as Air Mail ar far too expensive , so I never send Air Mail packages.


Sometimes it took weeks for packages to arrive in countries like Austria , and Austria isn´t away thousand of kilometers.


A small Air Mail package would cost about $50 , a big one almost $150.


It also takes weeks for checks to arrive and it takes 1-2 weeks until I get the money.


Another problem is that I cannot sell only a few games for a low price outside of Europe - because fees for using checks at my bank are too high.

I can sell the cheap games only in quantities of at least 100 or I have to sell them for a higher price.


For example a game for $5 - cannot be paid with a check , because fee is $15 for using a check at my bank.


Since I´m a professional trader,I cannot sell stuff for less than I´ve paid for.



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Where on earth do you live ? Is it a small town of 1000 people or something. I sell stuff to Europe all the time and my mail never gets there later than 10 days with airmail ?


For example, I sent a package to Germany with one 2600 game a couple of weeks ago, it took a week to get there and it's not too expensive.


In fact, airmail for one game to Canada for instance is actually cheaper than priority mail within the country.


Explain this:




postage = 4.11 Euro


or 8.22 for Air Mail


bidpay is ok


This is your email to me and I paid for Airmail, so why do you say you don't use Airmail ? :( I won the auction on Nov.29th 2002 and paid you via bidpay.com right away. That is over a month !

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Where on earth do you live ? Is it a small town of 1000 people or something. I sell stuff to Europe all the time and my mail never gets there later than 10 days with airmail ?


For example, I sent a package to Germany with one 2600 game a couple of weeks ago, it took a week to get there and it's not too expensive.


In fact, airmail for one game to Canada for instance is actually cheaper than priority mail within the country.


Explain this:




postage = 4.11 Euro


or 8.22 for Air Mail


bidpay is ok


This is your email to me and I paid for Airmail, so why do you say you don't use Airmail ? :( I won the auction on Nov.29th 2002 and paid you via bidpay.com right away. That is over a month !


Yes but it took :


several days for the check to arrive

ca. 10 days until I got money from the check


I have to wait for this everytime.


Then this was the time before Christmas.That means a lot more packages/letters etc. and they don´t work on holidays.


If it was summer and no holidays , that would be no problem.



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Ok but just for your information, bidpay.com doesn't issue bad money orders, that's the whole idea. They charge me first and then issue a money order, there is no guess work about wether or not you get your money.


Just a thought you might want to consider in the future.

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Not to support any one person here, as I don't know the exact details of the transaction or anything, but as an eBay seller I've sent many packages overseas, and though most seem to arrive on schedule or before schedule sometimes packages just take forever to arrive at their destinations. I remember once a package took over 2 months after I mailed it to arrive. That was to China though I think. Or Japan...


I've just learned that patience is key when dealing with people overseas.



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And indeed, it wasn't shipped via Airmail but not only that, it was shipped in a cheap-ass envelope so my brand new game is f*cking crushed. :x:x:x


I paid $8.22 for airmail, this is what I got:




Thanks a lot Thimo, no feedback from me buddy. :x

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And indeed, it wasn't shipped via Airmail but not only that, it was shipped in a cheap-ass envelope so my brand new game is f*cking crushed. :x :x :x


I paid $8.22 for airmail, this is what I got:


Thanks a lot Thimo, no feedback from me buddy. :x


It was send as Air Mail letter - this is limited to a max. weight of 250g.


A real package as Air Mail would be much more expensive and big packages would have made the letter to heavy.


It´s not allowed to weigh more than 250g , or they´ll send it back.


Package cost $10 as sea package , but at least $40 as Air mail - this is far too expensive.



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And indeed, it wasn't shipped via Airmail but not only that, it was shipped in a cheap-ass envelope so my brand new game is f*cking crushed. :x :x :x


I paid $8.22 for airmail, this is what I got:


Thanks a lot Thimo, no feedback from me buddy. :x


It was send as Air Mail letter - this is limited to a max. weight of 250g.


A real package as Air Mail would be much more expensive and big packages would have made the letter to heavy.


It´s not allowed to weigh more than 250g , or they´ll send it back.


Package cost $10 as sea package , but at least $40 as Air mail - this is far too expensive.




Ausserdem wird bei einem Paket noch Zoll faellig , das darf man nicht vergessen.Bei Briefen nicht.



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Ich bin aus Deutschland und wenn Du etwas mit der Post verschickst wird da ein Aufkleber aufgeklebt "Luftpost" !


So, wo ist der Aufkleber ? Du bist nicht der Einzige der mir was aus Deutschland schickst und komischer weise alle anderen Packete haben immer einen Lufpost Aufkleber. Sehr merkwuerdig. :roll:

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Ich bin aus Deutschland und wenn Du etwas mit der Post verschickst wird da ein Aufkleber aufgeklebt "Luftpost" !


So, wo ist der Aufkleber ? Du bist nicht der Einzige der mir was aus Deutschland schickst und komischer weise alle anderen Packete haben immer einen Lufpost Aufkleber. Sehr merkwuerdig. :roll:


Den haben die Tanten bei der Postagentur wohl vergessen , aber es war trotzdem in weniger als 2 Wochen da - also Luftpost.Seeweg hätte sicher 3-6 Wochen gedauert.Der Poststempel muesste so um Weihnachten sein.


Briefe werden hier nicht abgefertigt ,sondern gehen an das Briefzentrum Neuwied.


Ausserdem sind die Luftpolstertaschen stabil,um Schäden zu vermeiden.


Ein echtes Paket ist zu teuer.Nur innerhalb der EU sinnvoll.Oder alternativ als See-Paket , das aber sicher 6-8 Wochen unterwegs wäre.Das kostet auch nur 9.70 Euro.



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Das sind alles Zusatzkosten , die plus den Grundpreis dazukommen.


Wenn der Kunde extra Versand wünscht,muss das auch mitgeteilt werden.Ich biete standardmässig die billigste Versandart an und normalerweise verschicke ich nur in Europa.


Luftpost Brief ist das billigste.Wenn kein spezieller Kundenwunsch vorliegt , dann sende ich mit billigster Versandart.



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The auction ended at 15 Euros and this is what I paid you:


This email is to confirm approval of your $23.22 money order for eBay item #2073525XXX to Thimo Graef. Your money order will be sent out by the end of the next business day after you receive this email.


We have forwarded your name and address in our confirmation email to the seller. Thank you for using the Western Union BidPay service. Please keep us in mind for your future auction purchases.





This is quite enough now, I am done. You obviously won't admit anything. :|


I hope someone else can take this as good advice not to do international transactions with you.

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The auction ended at 15 Euros and this is what I paid you:


This email is to confirm approval of your $23.22 money order for eBay item #2073525XXX to Thimo Graef. Your money order will be sent out by the end of the next business day after you receive this email.


We have forwarded your name and address in our confirmation email to the seller. Thank you for using the Western Union BidPay service. Please keep us in mind for your future auction purchases.





This is quite enough now, I am done. You obviously won't admit anything. :|


I hope someone else can take this as good advice not to do international transactions with you.


No , this is wrong : There is a difference between LETTER and package :


Package costs 9.70 Euro and costs for Air Mail are EXTRA !


I only offer the cheapest way to send 1 game.It´s called Maxi-Letter.it costs 8.18 for Air Mail and that´s the money that I paid for.4.09 as sea letter , 8.18 as Air Mail.They may have forgotten the Air Mail thing , but because it arrived fast - it was sent as Air Mail.


But letter means only letter , no big heavy package around.


package costs 9.70 as sea package up to 2000g.This takes several weeks.listed on the German Post website are extra-prices for Air Mail which are ADDED to the 9.70 Euro.


And 9.70 is for an UN-insured package (-2Kg).


Insured costs about 27 Euro as sea package (-4 kg)


You did not ask for a package , so I did send it the cheapest way - as most buyers from germany also choose the letter since it´s cheaper.If they ask for extra-protection or insurance and pay for this , I will send it insured.


If it were 2 games or a more heavy game like the BASIC cart with its manual , I would have sent it as package.


BTW : It´s not fair to tell others that I´m a bad seller - this big auction with 100 games has to be send as an insured sea package and games will be very well protected - and are insured.


I have more than 15000 positives on ebay.


And I often sell to foreign countried - Austria,France,Netherlands,England, Sweden even Russia , Japan,Australia - no one ever complained.



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