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War for Equestria.


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Yes, i'm a Brony now.



anyways, i made this game in 3 days, and i have to say, it turned out AMAZINGLY well!








Help! My name is Mic...i'm a human being...i woke up on this strange planet, with these ponies, and no memory of how i got here....and only part of my memory of my life before i wound up here....certain spots of memories are just plain MISSING.....oh well.....anyways, they seem to be worried about something.


from what i heard, a....wait....you're joking, right?


A BLOCK, an evil BLOCK is trying to destroy the planet?



who comes up with this crap?


meh, anyways, apparently, they say, the only pony i hardly care about, and Myself, are the ones destined to save this world.....well, if i'm gonna live here with no way home, i might as well keep it a safe place........










(player 1)

Name: Mic

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind of a jerk, but a nice guy to his (few) friends




He woke up on Equestria, a few days ago...with no clue as to why

Part of his memories from earth are gone too....


(player 2)

Name: You decide

Age: You decide

Gender: You decide

Personality: You decide




You guessed it!!

You decide. :D




Name: It's a Block

Motivation for evil: It's a Block

Powers: It's a Block

Race: It's a Block









At the title screen, reset starts the game.


Happy now?


anyways, after that, during the player 2 color select screen(if player 2 wants to play), player 1 fire starts the game


player 2 fire allows player 2 to choose their color


player 2's joystick changes the color of player 2.




during the game, player 2 can drop in AT ANY TIME, by pressing fire on joystick 2


dropping in during the game, however, will give player 2 a random color.


player 2 can drop out at any time, by pressing select.






Mic & Normal Pony's(player2's hardmode) controls:


left & right - moves you left and right

fire - Jumps


Pegasus(Player 2's easy mode)


directions - Flies in that direction


holding Fire While touching player 1 - allows you to carry player 1 around.



final stage's controls(beating stage 5 on hardmode)


Same as Pegasus, except fire shoots a bullet.







Stage 1 - City

Stage 2 - Jungle

Stage 3 - Volcanic Factory

Stage 4 - Antarctic

Stage 5 - Dark Temple

Stage 6 - Temple Escape


On Player 1 Hardmode:


Stage 7 - Final Battle





The object of the game is to avoid the 2 missiles, for a certain period of time, after which, the "Boss" will show up



the Boss is the giant block behind you.


you can't straight attack the boss, so you have to make the missile aim for the boss



the tiny dot, is the healing item


it restores 1 hit


if it touches the boss, the boss heals 1 hit



during the final battle, the object of the battle, is to hit the boss a lot.


don't take your time though, as you DO have a time limit, but you should probably EASILY be able to defeat it before the time limit is up.






Okay, i think that sums up everything.....so....ummm...have fun i guess. :D



i really hope you enjoy the game, and i made SURE to fix ALL the bugs i could find before i released this. ^^





Oh, and sorry the badguy is so lame....he has to use one of the missiles, so all he COULD be was a giant block.....so i dub him "The block of evil"

Edited by Master_Programmer
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oh for pete's sake.....

why is it everything i find to be too easy, everyone else finds too hard?


i thought the game was overly easy, and was worried that'd be a huge problem.







Oh, and anyone who thinks this is REALLY hard, then stay away from metroid. XD


That game rules, but it'll kick your butt a lot. XD

i know it kicked my butt sooooooooo many times. XD

Edited by Master_Programmer
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i dumbed it down.


on easy, you only have to dodge 1 SLOW shot, until stage 5.


and the boss bullets move slower too.



on hard, the game plays like it should, and both bullets show up from the start, the the boss bullets are normal speed.



please tell me that's easy enough for all of you.





if not, then i have no clue how to make it easier......


.......cheat codes perhaps?


On stella, at any time, press "Tab", set ram address $d6 to 5(on easy), or 3(on hard), for max health.


on my Xbox's "z26x" 2600 emulator, the code is 300000560005 for easy mode, and hard mode is 300000560003.

War For Equestria.bin

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if that's still too hard, do to some unknown glitch i might not have caught, tell me, and i'll give you all a code that skips to the true ending. :)


i don't mean that in a mean way too.....i just modified the game, without testing it....i'm about 92% sure nothing has messed up, but in case i'm wrong, and you really wanna see the ending, just tell me, okay? :D

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