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Dig Dug is pretty darn good

Cobra Kai

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Picked this up complete for $8 at a local shop this weekend. I've always only had lukewarm feelings towards this game, and only rarely played my 2600 and 5200 versions.


At first when I popped this in, I wasn't sure if the graphics were all that much of an improvement over the 5200 game. But I did go ahead and direct compare them yesterday and I can definitely see the improvements. This 7800 version certainly looks prettier than any other version I've played (I'm not saying its the best version out there). There are many little visual upgrades and sprites don't look semi-transparant like the 5200 game. Audio wise the 5200 kills it in comparison though, which seems to be the case with so many of the games shared between these two systems. I know it's the POKEY audio chip (which I know nothing about), and what bugs me about the 7800 audio on Dig Dug is how the game is programmed to play a tune only when little Dig Dug is walking around, and then a different sound will play when he's not in motion. I've noticed this on other games on 7800 as well, particularly Donkey Kong Jr. (another fantastic port).


I like the difficulty of this 7800 version. I think one of the reasons I didn't play this that much was because it was too easy on previous home console versions. But this one has fairly intelligent enemies that manage to avoid my rock drops more often than I hit them. I actually like playing Dig Dug now, which makes me happy because I'm finding a little bit of love in a game that I've always neglected. I'm glad I found this one in the wild because it's not something I ever actively pursued online. This is a good game on 7800.

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I have always enjoyed Dig Dug.. it was one of the games my sister originally had for the 7800. though I grew up playing the 7800 version, I have been enjoying the 5200 version and haven't really played the 7800 version in some years… I'll have to dig it up (no pun) and do a side by side myself!


I just recently did so with Xevious and I can say the 7800 Xevious is much better (besides the music), though I still like the 5200 version :)

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and what bugs me about the 7800 audio on Dig Dug is how the game is programmed to play a tune only when little Dig Dug is walking around, and then a different sound will play when he's not in motion. I've noticed this on other games on 7800 as well, particularly Donkey Kong Jr. (another fantastic port).



I think I value better sounds over better graphics, so I prefer the 5200 version a little. In case you don't know, the 2 different music / sounds playing (whether you are digging or sitting still) is how the original coin-op version is, too.

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and what bugs me about the 7800 audio on Dig Dug is how the game is programmed to play a tune only when little Dig Dug is walking around, and then a different sound will play when he's not in motion. I've noticed this on other games on 7800 as well, particularly Donkey Kong Jr. (another fantastic port).



I think I value better sounds over better graphics, so I prefer the 5200 version a little. In case you don't know, the 2 different music / sounds playing (whether you are digging or sitting still) is how the original coin-op version is, too.


I'll say that I am partial to the 5200 version myself :)


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what bugs me about the 7800 audio on Dig Dug is how the game is programmed to play a tune only when little Dig Dug is walking around, and then a different sound will play when he's not in motion.


I liked this - it was a funny little detail how the soundtrack would only play when he was in motion. i always imagined if i had a personal sound track it would work the same way.

Edited by raskar42
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The 7800 version of Dig Dug has better graphics for sure. Unfortunately, they did not use a Pokey chip for the sounds, so the 5200 beats it there. It is a fun game to play and I enjoy all the Atari versions of it. A similar game that I enjoy is Mr. Do! but that was never ported to the 7800. It would be great if anyone could program that!

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and what bugs me about the 7800 audio on Dig Dug is how the game is programmed to play a tune only when little Dig Dug is walking around, and then a different sound will play when he's not in motion. I've noticed this on other games on 7800 as well, particularly Donkey Kong Jr. (another fantastic port).



I think I value better sounds over better graphics, so I prefer the 5200 version a little. In case you don't know, the 2 different music / sounds playing (whether you are digging or sitting still) is how the original coin-op version is, too.

Ahh I had no idea, in fact I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to play this in the arcade. I thought it was just a programming limitation of the 7800, since this phenomena is in DK jr. as well.

The 7800 version of Dig Dug has better graphics for sure. Unfortunately, they did not use a Pokey chip for the sounds, so the 5200 beats it there. It is a fun game to play and I enjoy all the Atari versions of it. A similar game that I enjoy is Mr. Do! but that was never ported to the 7800. It would be great if anyone could program that!


Heck yes, I would love a legitimate Mr. Do port on 7800 or 5200 for that matter. Mr. Do's Castle just doesn't suit my fancy.

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Heck yes, I would love a legitimate Mr. Do port on 7800 or 5200 for that matter.


There is an Atari XL computer (same basic hardware as 5200 in case you weren't aware) version of Mr. Do. I have it on a Dreamcast A8 / 5200 emulation disc. It is fantastic and extremely faithful to the coin-op. Perhaps it requires more RAM than the 5200 has though, which could kill the changes of an easy port.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ahh I had no idea, in fact I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to play this in the arcade. I thought it was just a programming limitation of the 7800, since this phenomena is in DK jr. as well.

If only there were some sort of multiple arcade machine emulator that would allow you to

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