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eBay question: wrong game sent


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Didn't know where to ask this but this forum seemed to fit the best. I bought a very cheap game (actually it was a $20-$30 game that I got for $5) and the guy sent me the wrong game. He sent me a message today apologizing and stated that he would reimburse me for whatever it costs for me to ship it back to him and that he will be putting the correct game in the mail. I'm not really holding my breath on getting any reimbursement For the shipping but I don't want to be in a situation where I pay to send him back this game and never get the original game I had bought.


I guess I just don't know how this sort of thing works. I haven't opened up any claims with eBay yet and he did respond to my original email advising him of the problem. Should I just hold onto this game until I get the other one? Should I tell him that this is my plan? Should I be expected to send my game back first or shortly after he tells me he has sent the correct one?

Like I said it wasn't the game I wanted but I'd rather have a game then be out shipping costs and both games.



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I'd personally probably wait until the correct one arrived and once it does if he hasn't yet reimbursed you tell him you won't ship it back until you get it.


He wants me to send it first then tell him the cost of shipping for reimbursement but he didn't say anything about when I should send the wrong game back to him just that he would be sending the correct one out and to send him the other and let him know the cost.


I think I will hold on to it until the other comes and then send it out or just ask him how much he would want for it. I guess I am just wondering if I should let him know I am holding onto it until I get the other game? I don't want to piss him off by basically telling him I don't trust him and will be holding onto the game until the other arrives lol

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Yeah its kind of a tricky situation. I'm guessing he is trying to do pretty much exactly what you are, hoping to get it first so he knows you won't keep both. :/ How are ebay with claims? I've never filed one, do you trust they'd have your back if he pulled some sneaky shit and didn't send or reimburse you? Whats this guys feedback by the way? If its very good I'm betting he is gonna do everything he can to prevent you from leaving bad feedback.

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I've never filed a claim before so I thought I would ask here if how this guy wants to handle it was the norm or not. This has happened before (wrong game sent) but that guy just told me to keep the game and he sent me the other game. I don't think I want to open a claim and go through the hassle for $5. Besides if all I was left with was the wrong game, oh well. $5 for a sealed copy of Checkered Flag isn't too bad of a deal even though the game is pretty bad lol.


He has 100% feedback but does have a neutral where he sent a guy a wrong controller but the guy said he liked it just as well.

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I've never filed a claim before so I thought I would ask here if how this guy wants to handle it was the norm or not. This has happened before (wrong game sent) but that guy just told me to keep the game and he sent me the other game. I don't think I want to open a claim and go through the hassle for $5. Besides if all I was left with was the wrong game, oh well. $5 for a sealed copy of Checkered Flag isn't too bad of a deal even though the game is pretty bad lol.


He has 100% feedback but does have a neutral where he sent a guy a wrong controller but the guy said he liked it just as well.


I'm guessing then you'll likely be safe either way if his feedback is that good. Out of curiosity what game did you intend to buy? :P

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I've never filed a claim before so I thought I would ask here if how this guy wants to handle it was the norm or not. This has happened before (wrong game sent) but that guy just told me to keep the game and he sent me the other game. I don't think I want to open a claim and go through the hassle for $5. Besides if all I was left with was the wrong game, oh well. $5 for a sealed copy of Checkered Flag isn't too bad of a deal even though the game is pretty bad lol.


He has 100% feedback but does have a neutral where he sent a guy a wrong controller but the guy said he liked it just as well.


I'm guessing then you'll likely be safe either way if his feedback is that good. Out of curiosity what game did you intend to buy? :P


Another, ummm, great Jaguar title, Club Drive. In my defense, it was $5 :)

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