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Subterranea really worth $70 loose?


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I think it's worth about $20-25. Someone bait the hook and caught themselves a fish who doesn't do their research.


I went through the other items offered by the same seller and there is nothing too outrageously priced.


The even have Shootin' Gallery for $16 and I found it more difficult to find than Subterranea.


Oh well.

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A few months ago I got a loose Subterranea for $20 I believe, that's the going rate. The last time a CIB one went on ebay, about a year ago last I recall, it crossed $300, which is ridiculous. True value, collectors wise was about $75 CIB if I'm correct.

It's a great game though, and definitely worth $20 or so if you ask me for the loose cart.

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I sold it with instructions on here last year for $35 - -




That's about half of what the eBay seller wants (and without instructions!) which seems about normal - - eBay is usually double what most people on AA will pay for something!


And, of course, Buy It Now produces higher prices - - the seller wants to ensure they capture maximum value from it, so they crank up the price.


Someone recently got a nice deal on the PAL version, too, it appears - -




It's a fun game, by the way - - I still have it on the Harmony and boot it up somewhat often. It's kind of nice how it varies in gameplay between a couple different modes.



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I have been looking for a CIB copy to finish my Imagic set for a couple of years now. The last two on ebay went for ~140 and then ~$325. I have seen two come up total. I have been one of the final bidders (or first place loser) both times. I'd guess I'm not the only one who just needs this game and that the rarity rating for it (at least CIB) is not accurate. For the $325 one, I bid high just to try and snipe it in the $100's... imagine my surprise when I lost (better than my surprise if I won at that price I guess).

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