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WTF goes through the mind of an eBay seller?


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Why ? Because sometimes it pays off.

WITH EBAY now doing limited free listings,it doesn't matter if a item doesn't sell.It don't cost you anything to list,but if it sells then great.

What I don't understand is why people get their panties in a knot over high prices.I see sellers in Australia all the time (one in particular) who have high prices but I don't let it bother me,but some people just can't handle it.

Read again what Kevincal wrote,he has nailed it.


Actually, the gist of this thread was nothing to do with listing high, and I dont think he is disapproving of it. Zwackery's point was that if a seller has an item listed at way above market for a very long time, why won't the seller wake up and smell the roses and accept a reasonable offer. If it sells to a noob for a ridiculously high price, well then more power to the seller, but when the item sits there for years without moving and no noobs are biting, it doesn't make sense that the seller doesn't just accept a more reasonable offer and get it out of inventory.

YEP I understood the gist of the thread,if you read my 1st 2 sentences you will see I have addressed his concern.


That only explains why someone would list high, but not why they would keep relisting the same item at way above market prices for years on end. If the item doesn't sell in a year, then you really need to reconsider offers. Whilst the listing doesnt cost you anyting, not having the money in your pocket does ;)

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Hey, I'm one of those sellers.. I have a set of wheels and I will not take less than $200 that I've had on CL for months. One guy offered me $100. I could scrap them for that. Ergo, they sit in my shed. Relisting only takes 10 seconds, if that. I'm not starving, nor do I really care of they sell.

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Heh- A house in town has been for sale for over a year now. They were asking $X. Similar homes are sitting vacant with an asking price of about a third less.

Someone offered $X - 10%. They turned it down. Someone then offered to purchase for 100% of the asking price, and they turned it down.


I am impressed by anyone who can make a living out of selling online. When I sold on EBay (years ago) it was too much hassle for me to handle. Having said that, as a non-professional seller, I sold stuff that I didn't want. I had little interest in maximizing profits. If it sold for a dime on the dollar, I was happy to have a dime and get rid of the whatever-it-was all in one fell swoop, because the alternative was no money at all and a trip to the drop-box.


Goodwill uses somewhat random pricing. When the one nearby gets Atari stuff, it's $2. If it doesn't sell in a month, it's goes to $1. The other one (next state over) sells for $3. If it doesn't sell in a month it stays on the shelf for $3.

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Heh- A house in town has been for sale for over a year now. They were asking $X. Similar homes are sitting vacant with an asking price of about a third less.

Someone offered $X - 10%. They turned it down. Someone then offered to purchase for 100% of the asking price, and they turned it down.


I am impressed by anyone who can make a living out of selling online. When I sold on EBay (years ago) it was too much hassle for me to handle. Having said that, as a non-professional seller, I sold stuff that I didn't want. I had little interest in maximizing profits. If it sold for a dime on the dollar, I was happy to have a dime and get rid of the whatever-it-was all in one fell swoop, because the alternative was no money at all and a trip to the drop-box.


Goodwill uses somewhat random pricing. When the one nearby gets Atari stuff, it's $2. If it doesn't sell in a month, it's goes to $1. The other one (next state over) sells for $3. If it doesn't sell in a month it stays on the shelf for $3.


Exactly, proffessional sellers should be focused on turnover. Accepting a realistic price and putting that money into another money-making use (or use it to live off) should be standard practice. You can make far more by accepting less many times over than sitting on items for years

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Why ? Because sometimes it pays off.

WITH EBAY now doing limited free listings,it doesn't matter if a item doesn't sell.It don't cost you anything to list,but if it sells then great.

What I don't understand is why people get their panties in a knot over high prices.I see sellers in Australia all the time (one in particular) who have high prices but I don't let it bother me,but some people just can't handle it.

Read again what Kevincal wrote,he has nailed it.


Actually, the gist of this thread was nothing to do with listing high, and I dont think he is disapproving of it. Zwackery's point was that if a seller has an item listed at way above market for a very long time, why won't the seller wake up and smell the roses and accept a reasonable offer. If it sells to a noob for a ridiculously high price, well then more power to the seller, but when the item sits there for years without moving and no noobs are biting, it doesn't make sense that the seller doesn't just accept a more reasonable offer and get it out of inventory.

YEP I understood the gist of the thread,if you read my 1st 2 sentences you will see I have addressed his concern.


That only explains why someone would list high, but not why they would keep relisting the same item at way above market prices for years on end. If the item doesn't sell in a year, then you really need to reconsider offers. Whilst the listing doesnt cost you anyting, not having the money in your pocket does ;)

It also explains why they keep relisting the same item at way above market prices for years on end,think about it .

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Hey, I'm one of those sellers.. I have a set of wheels and I will not take less than $200 that I've had on CL for months. One guy offered me $100. I could scrap them for that. Ergo, they sit in my shed. Relisting only takes 10 seconds, if that. I'm not starving, nor do I really care of they sell.


I think this post explains a lot -- the seller doesn't need the money, and it costs very little to relist. When the seller needs the money, the price will probably come down.

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beep4me is also one of those sellers on eBay. He has a best offer option, but every offer is automatically declined. You can offer $45 for a $50 item and it's declined. Would be nice to have an option "exclude this seller from listings" on eBay.

lol...seems pointless on having a best offer option.

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Dont know how many of you are aware,but when the seller puts "best offer"in the listing,they also have the option of

including automatic decline and accept prices

it is an option,and I would assume some sellers dont want to use it,because they want the option of deciding at

the time of the offer

Or as been previously noted,they just put it there,to get attention,with no intention of accepting an offer

I use the best offer on items in my store,and find it works very well

I can post a bunch of stuff with a fixed price and or best offer,and it generally sells within a month

As a seller,I also like the auto.decline ,because you dont have to entertain the low ballers

Conversely,as a buyer,I like seeing the option,but again,I find most sellers dont ,either,use that option,or

they dont bother to respond

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beep4me is also one of those sellers on eBay. He has a best offer option, but every offer is automatically declined. You can offer $45 for a $50 item and it's declined. Would be nice to have an option "exclude this seller from listings" on eBay.


He had an item listed for $19.99 and I tried best offer getting it for $16.99 and got declined. :P I wound up buying it for an accepted offer of $18.99 'cause it was worth it to me, so it doesn't decline _everything_. Just most. :)

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He had an item listed for $19.99 and I tried best offer getting it for $16.99 and got declined. :P I wound up buying it for an accepted offer of $18.99 'cause it was worth it to me, so it doesn't decline _everything_. Just most. :)


Oh, wow. So he only has the limit at 95% and not at 99% of the BIN price. Most of the stuff he bought elsewhere and then relisted them for 3 times the price. He probably hopes when the other seller has sold his stock he gets rich.


No one needs sellers like robotkingnes or beep4me. I ignore such sellers and just wait for the items to show up on eBay from someone else.

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I'm not a fan of how beep4me lists and wildly overprices generally, but just to briefly defend myself from that torrent of sarcasm.....

The item was a 2600 "Stick Stand", eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3504705964211?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=350470596421&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

His price was fairly reasonable from what I could tell; the only other same items currently listed are going for $19.99 + 5.99 to ship for one and $33.70 + $6.00 to ship for another, incomplete. I got mine for $18.99 free ship.

It's just a piece of plastic, but I got it on the recommendation of another AtariAge user, I wanted it something fierce for some reason, and I am enjoying it thoroughly now. I don't know what they tend to go for, as I let impatience get the better of me as I'm known to do....

I'd rather it have been half that price, sure. I'll probably see some of them for $6 ish at the next game convention I get to, sure, but that won't likely be until 2012. So as much as I'd rather have not bought from that guy, I don't think I bought anything maniacally overpriced, all things considered, and thusly, hopefully did not encourage him to further list wildly overpriced stuff and ruin the general market as he and that other seller seem to be trying to do.

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I'm not a fan of how beep4me lists and wildly overprices generally, but just to briefly defend myself from that torrent of sarcasm.....

The item was a 2600 "Stick Stand", eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3504705964211?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=350470596421&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

His price was fairly reasonable from what I could tell; the only other same items currently listed are going for $19.99 + 5.99 to ship for one and $33.70 + $6.00 to ship for another, incomplete. I got mine for $18.99 free ship.

It's just a piece of plastic, but I got it on the recommendation of another AtariAge user, I wanted it something fierce for some reason, and I am enjoying it thoroughly now. I don't know what they tend to go for, as I let impatience get the better of me as I'm known to do....

I'd rather it have been half that price, sure. I'll probably see some of them for $6 ish at the next game convention I get to, sure, but that won't likely be until 2012. So as much as I'd rather have not bought from that guy, I don't think I bought anything maniacally overpriced, all things considered, and thusly, hopefully did not encourage him to further list wildly overpriced stuff and ruin the general market as he and that other seller seem to be trying to do.


Crap, I have lots of those around here. If I knew I could get $15 out of one I'd have dug them out.


Beep4me is one of the worst of the worst in a long list of "so what if I sell it" vendors on eBay.


So lots of your items are the only one on ePay... doesn't make it rare, just not over saturated yet on ePay.


Like C.Sofa said, often times you can find this stuff at game shows and swap meets for half ePay

(people actually want to sell the stuff they bring, and not take it all back home)



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Hi everyone, thanks for the replies! It's somewhat comforting to know that I am mostly not alone in wondering why some people doggedly cling to a particular sell threshold. I could see turning down lowball offers for games, but when it comes to the value that the market has set, well, I'm willing to pay it (if I have to, of course, who doesn't love a good bargain). It's strange when people turn down money (again, especially in this economy).


For the record, when I started this topic, I was not referring to any longtime sellers, but some people I've run into just this year. These are folks who find a stash of something and get all crazy weird about their "rarities", particularly when these items sell openly for quite good prices, but not as sky high as they had hoped/dreamed/anticipated, and so these sellers throw on completely unrealistic BINs (i.e., first item goes for $60 in open bidding, ergo next item gets a $200 BIN).

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beep4me is also one of those sellers on eBay. He has a best offer option, but every offer is automatically declined. You can offer $45 for a $50 item and it's declined. Would be nice to have an option "exclude this seller from listings" on eBay.


Exactly. I went back and forth with him with offers for a couple of Lynx games recently. Finally, I told him that he could come down just a few dollars and sell the games (now mind you, the final price would have been within 85-90% of the ridiculous BIN price) or make zero, and he chose to sit on the games and make zero. The listings are still active. No buyer.

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He had an item listed for $19.99 and I tried best offer getting it for $16.99 and got declined. :P I wound up buying it for an accepted offer of $18.99 'cause it was worth it to me, so it doesn't decline _everything_. Just most. :)


Oh, wow. So he only has the limit at 95% and not at 99% of the BIN price. Most of the stuff he bought elsewhere and then relisted them for 3 times the price. He probably hopes when the other seller has sold his stock he gets rich.


No one needs sellers like robotkingnes or beep4me. I ignore such sellers and just wait for the items to show up on eBay from someone else.


I found it interesting that on the same day that we were going back and forth with offers, these two games sold out at gooddealgames. I found them online for much cheaper than beep4me. I e-mailed GDG asking to purchase them, and was told that their last copies had *just* sold. I wonder who bought them.... :ponder:

Edited by Wayne2072
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