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Ebay central shipping


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So,I get this survey from Ebay asking,about centralized shipping

Basically they wanted to know ,if I would use,thier shipping warehouse to ship out of the country.

I would pack it and pay normal shipping,but instead og going to the buyer,it would go to thier "shipping" warehouse and then be forwarded to the buyer

My first instinct is -Hell no I wouldnt use it-

First,what purpose is it suppose to serve?

What happens if there is an accident,or damage there?

And while they say it would be free,ultimately,that cost is going to get passed on the sellers

I responded,I woulnt use it,I do a very good job packaging,and seeing that

they arrive wherever there suppose to go

I think someone at Ebay has to much time on thier hands

Instead of a stupid idea like this,why not just lower seeling fees?Now there is a concept!

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What underlies this concept is the issue of US sellers becoming increasingly wary of selling to overseas bidders, especially because there is the perception, sometimes backed by fact, that overseas bidders are out to rip people off with little recourse for the sellers. If eBay can convince more US sellers to accept non-US bidders, this might mean increased overall sales and hence profit for eBay, for which some phalanx of accountants have crunched the numbers and likely projected that, even with shipping absorbed by eBay (likely at a large corporate discount), the company would still make a profit.

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Sounds very similar to what Amazon offers you -- you can ship your items to Amazon and they do all the work of shipping it out and sending you the money. "Fufiilment by Amazon" is what the service is called. Someones aid that EBay wants to become more and more like Amazon....sounds like they are right. :P

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