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Double Dragon XM


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Adding a few more touches of detail. It's still a work in progress, so I've not yet uploaded the ROM to the hack forum thread. My goal is for the next upload to be final.
Besides the new Abobos, player sprites have been reworked a bit to try to get them a little closer to the arcade. There is a little added detail to brick and concrete graphics and doors added to 2 of the screens.
post-9364-0-94780800-1444904820_thumb.png post-9364-0-38704800-1444904765_thumb.png post-9364-0-04172500-1444904797_thumb.png post-9364-0-89474900-1444904808_thumb.png


Example: compared to original. and Arcade:

post-9364-0-42088400-1444905747_thumb.png post-9364-0-17918400-1444905978_thumb.png

Edited by KevinMos3
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Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy the latest update, now available in the 7800 hacks forum.




I wonder if the ground could have the wavey bricks look to it too and the windows blue on the beetle like in the arcades

Sorry I can't do those ideas. "Most" of the ground is a background color. There are only a few areas where the ground has sprites/graphics that can be edited.


Also note, the 7800 is moving a ton of sprites/graphics when the screen scrolls and you'll notice that in areas where there are more moving, the scrolling is more choppy. The most choppy section is in Mission 4 where pretty much every part of the screen is covered by a sprite/graphic.


Concerning the VW Beetle, it's already using all 3 colors plus a background color. I had to do a lot of re-drawing on this screen in order to change out areas that use background color to compliment sprite colors. For example, the "gray" color of the concrete areas and parts of the beetle is now the background color so that I could use that one extra color it freed up to have red in the sign.

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Well, I finally managed to get some time last night to sit down and hammer out the rest of the Mission 1 BGM for the POKEY. It's not 100% accurate to the NES version, but it's the best I'm able to do. It's still fairly close and recognizable, and a nice replacement from the music that's already present.


Anyways, the MP3 is attached and if anyone is interested in the .RMT file itself, I can supply that but it won't let me upload it here directly. At any rate, enjoy!



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Well, I finally managed to get some time last night to sit down and hammer out the rest of the Mission 1 BGM for the POKEY. It's not 100% accurate to the NES version, but it's the best I'm able to do. It's still fairly close and recognizable, and a nice replacement from the music that's already present.


Anyways, the MP3 is attached and if anyone is interested in the .RMT file itself, I can supply that but it won't let me upload it here directly. At any rate, enjoy!



That sounds amazing. With that sound and the latest graphics update, I'd be completely satisfied. The game already follows the arcade version more closely than the other 8-bit ports. Sure, it's missing a couple of features like the barrels to throw and the harmful obstacles in the final mission, but it's still a solid game when it comes to gameplay and graphics. Would anyone be willing to add pokey sound?





Nice comparison shots! It would be nice if you could throw in a shot of the original 7800 version above the hack to complete the comparison. :)

Although, that's not the latest ROM. ;) You should check it out for some tweaks to the player that make him look slightly more like the arcade. Also, the default emulator aspect ratios don't capture what it really looks like on a TV. It's much less wide on a CRT, which gives it a better looking appearance, so if you want to take screenshots of the latest update, you'll need to shrink the width to roughly 80-85% (I haven't measured exactly), to get a true comparison. Conversely, the NES and SMS display wider than emulators portray and will need stretched.

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That sounds amazing. With that sound and the latest graphics update, I'd be completely satisfied. The game already follows the arcade version more closely than the other 8-bit ports. Sure, it's missing a couple of features like the barrels to throw and the harmful obstacles in the final mission, but it's still a solid game when it comes to gameplay and graphics. Would anyone be willing to add pokey sound?





Nice comparison shots! It would be nice if you could throw in a shot of the original 7800 version above the hack to complete the comparison. :)

Although, that's not the latest ROM. ;) You should check it out for some tweaks to the player that make him look slightly more like the arcade. Also, the default emulator aspect ratios don't capture what it really looks like on a TV. It's much less wide on a CRT, which gives it a better looking appearance, so if you want to take screenshots of the latest update, you'll need to shrink the width to roughly 80-85% (I haven't measured exactly), to get a true comparison. Conversely, the NES and SMS display wider than emulators portray and will need stretched.


Why can't you throw the barrels?


And yet another vote for the POKEY audio… Amazing work.

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Also, the default emulator aspect ratios don't capture what it really looks like on a TV. It's much less wide on a CRT, which gives it a better looking appearance, so if you want to take screenshots of the latest update, you'll need to shrink the width to roughly 80-85% (I haven't measured exactly), to get a true comparison. Conversely, the NES and SMS display wider than emulators portray and will need stretched.

Some emulators' aspect ratio may be pretty bad, falling between a 4:3 and 16:9 display picture.


Fortunately, MAME/MESS is accurate with the proper 4:3 (although strectching to fill a 16:9/16:10 screen can be done by turning off maintaining) aspect ratio.


Going further, you can display a system within a high resolution capture of a (CRT) device either fully shown, or cropped to the screen. For instance, I use a C1702 as my real and emulated hardware.


Left is a full showing of the C1702, right is the artwork cropped to just show the screen:




For those feeling a little woodgrain-y:




All views are available either in a window or fullscreen.


Since different (CRT) screens may have their display cut/tweaked/overscan different among them, options are available to adjust Vertical and Horizontal size as well as position, among a plethora of additional items. :)

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After some additional work, this is now what Mission 1a looks like. With a lot more color remapping, I was able to add shading to the side of the building while making it also fit in with Mission 1b. Still a work in progress...





I'm thinking changing the color of Mission 2 from what I previously did. I like the color variety of the previous version, but this change does make it a little more like the arcade version.




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I think I'm ready to call the graphics for the levels finished.

  • Mission 1A has several new edits including new graphics for the block wall (adapted from the arcade).
  • Mission 1B has the same shading from the fist screen worked in.
  • Mission 2 has more color changes.
  • Mission 3A has the building windows replaced with balconies like the arcade, the new block wall, and tweaks to the logs at the end of the level.
  • Mission 3B has detail added to the doors at the end of the level.
  • Mission 4 has no new changes since the last uploaded version.









I'd like to know how feasible it will be to put pokey sound into the game. Will it need to be expanded to 144K? I would assume that the existing music takes up much less space since it seems to repeat quickly and doesn't have different tracks for all the levels.

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Thanks guys!


More changes to Missions 1 and 3. I filled in the skyline buildings (I think they look better this way, especially if I can figure out how to change it to the colors mentioned below). Cleaned up some graphics in Mission 3 that looked like glitches in the original ROM, but were really just stray and/or transparent parts that needed tweaked. The colors were darkened as well which helps the player stand out a little more against the background and some additional texture was added to the bridge to make it look a little more like the arcade.






I would like to be able to do this with the colors (pic below), however, if you change the color $AD on the first screen (which is the color right below "MATIN"), the game will crash after you defeat the first Abobo. I'd like to find out why and how to prevent that, but I need help with it. Also, I need help with some other things, so if anyone can spare a few minutes, please shoot me a pm or just respond here.









Gold carts.


(One is just a shell for label variation)

Edited by KevinMos3
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Thanks guys!


More changes to Missions 1 and 3. I filled in the skyline buildings (I think they look better this way, especially if I can figure out how to change it to the colors mentioned below). Cleaned up some graphics in Mission 3 that looked like glitches in the original ROM, but were really just stray and/or transparent parts that needed tweaked. The colors were darkened as well which helps the player stand out a little more against the background and some additional texture was added to the bridge to make it look a little more like the arcade.



attachicon.gifMission 1 combo.png

attachicon.gifMission 3b_.png


I would like to be able to do this with the colors (pic below), however, if you change the color $AD on the first screen (which is the color right below "MATIN"), the game will crash after you defeat the first Abobo. I'd like to find out why and how to prevent that, but I need help with it. Also, I need help with some other things, so if anyone can spare a few minutes, please shoot me a pm or just respond here.


attachicon.gifMission 1 combo alt1.png







Gold carts.


(One is just a shell for label variation)


Awesome, I need those cartridges! Will do boxes for the games for sure :)

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Awesome, I need those cartridges! Will do boxes for the games for sure :)


I'd love to do a release, but first I need some help with a few things. Maybe I should start a new thread, but I'd like help with changing some things I currently can't figure out and also help with adding Pokey sound if possible. :)


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Here's a quick playthrough of the game on a real 7800 using a real Atari euro-style gamepad. There's no sound because I didn't have it connected properly, so I'll record another at a later time when I get that fixed.



I can't believe this is the 7800 version. It's night and day compared to the original release. Great Job!

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I can't believe this is the 7800 version. It's night and day compared to the original release. Great Job!


Thanks! Here's a playthrough of the latest version:

(I'm not sure I like this edit to the foot when doing a normal kick.)


This time, with sound. And... notice how much better it would be with pokey music? ;) *hint, hint*

Edited by KevinMos3
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Here's a thought. What if we used RMT to do the background music with POKEY, leaving the sound effects as is with TIA? The big question is would there be enough memory for the code and data. Probably just pulling out the TIA music wouldn't free up enough. I would need to look at the ROM to see how much free space there might be. If it doesn't overlap the XM RAM, then we could use that to run the code out of. I could work on the coding but I'm not a musician so would need someone to create the RMT music. Maybe someone already has?

Edit: just read a few posts up that the RMT version is already started. :) I'll take a look at the feasibility of adding RMT.

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