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Worst 8-bit cart put out by Atari?


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Flight Sim II was a good program for someone into that kind of thing, but completely missed the other 95% of the market. A disastrous choice as a pack-in for the XEGS. Food Fight is pretty bad and Fight Night is another one.


Kangaroo was never released as a cart. B&C sells the prototype, but its not fair to criticize Atari for that one.

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My primary beef about "Food Fight" is that it does not get progressively harder (after a certain point) and offers NO variety. I can remember playing the stupid cart for hours after I first got it in '88, thinking "what IS the point of this game? Perhaps if I play another level, I'll get to a better level..." And then I'd sit in front of the screen, in a hypnotic state...dazed...

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Have to double check - the default game is easy but there should be some difficulty there to make things harder - Its gameplay was true to the arcade which is why I give it an A+ - look at some of the other arcade conversions and how crappy they look compared to the real deal!

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Flight Sim II was a good program for someone into that kind of thing, but completely missed the other 95% of the market. A disastrous choice as a pack-in for the XEGS. Food Fight is pretty bad and Fight Night is another one.


Kangaroo was never released as a cart. B&C sells the prototype, but its not fair to criticize Atari for that one.


Heh ... I could never understand why Atari would ever release FLIGHT SIMULATOR II as a packin! The ads of the little boy getting all excited playing the ultra complicated and slow-paced FLIGHT SIMULATOR II seemed almost comical.


I suppose they were trying to show that the XEGS could play "sophisticated" computer games.


Come to think of it, packins were never Atari's strong suit.


On the 8-bit, I don't actually mind GATO ... though I have the concur on BUG HUNT. Just the bad gun accuracy alone did this in.


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I thought that the Asteroids cart for the 8-bit was laughable. Yeah, it looked decent but the gameplay was awful. I still remember paying $50 for that dog...


The worst 8-bit cart I ever owned was "Fortune Hunter", by Romox (I think that was the name, anyway). It was a Venture knock-off but only had 4 rooms! Beat the game in about 3 minutes and never touched it again.


Honorable mention should be made for some of those horrid EPYX carts also, like "Monster Maze."

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