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A thought about creating new 7800 casings... (attn: Curt)


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A thought occurred to me while I was opening a 2600 cart and seeing if it could be retrofitted for a 7800...


Instead of making all new cases, couldn't just the inner flap that opens be made to accommodate the 7800 board? The outer dust cover that slides back need only have the two notches cut out (easy enough) for the wider 7800 board.


Would it be cheaper just to make that part? And then we can use 2600 cases again, and just replace the inner flap and cut the two notches out of the dust cover.





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A thought occurred to me while I was opening a 2600 cart and seeing if it could be retrofitted for a 7800...


Instead of making all new cases, couldn't just the inner flap that opens be made to accommodate the 7800 board? The outer dust cover that slides back need only have the two notches cut out (easy enough) for the wider 7800 board.


Would it be cheaper just to make that part? And then we can use 2600 cases again, and just replace the inner flap and cut the two notches out of the dust cover.





Some 7800 cartridges do have the door. I have a Pole Position 2 cart that has the sliding door. With new carts, I vote for no door though.


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Hey Ken! Hope all is well. :)


The inside of those are very different than the old 2600 cases unfortunately, and they are *very* hard to come by.


Although the way to go may be to make a one-piece door like that to replace the one in the 2600 cases. It would have to consideration the type of spring that's in them, but it could be done.




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