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I'm going to look at a 5200. What should I look for?


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Craigslist offer and he claims its all working. He says its a 2 port system, no games.


I have zero 5200 games which makes this kinda not fun, but he only wants $25.


Any advice is welcome and appreciated.



I'm sure there is a better question than this, but what is the correct voltage and amp of the psu?

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I'd say get it. I've picked up a few game systems with no games, not a big deal. You'll find games as you go.


As for the power supply, see if they have one, if not they can be ordered somewhere else (ebay, best Electronics.. many places actually...)

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Ugh, I just typed a really long post and lost it . . .


The short version is I got the 5200 for $25. It had something klunking around in it which ended up being this (pliers are there to judge size):




The markings on it are C0|8|35 A which are similar to the markings on the joystick port, but I couldn't see evidence of anything broken inside.




When I hook to a TV and turn it on, the red light comes on and the screen changes from RF fuzz to completely black - a good sign.


I'm working on getting some games . . . would like a DB9 controller coupler too.

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Thanks to AA user madman, I got some games and can confirm that the 5200 works! I got a lot of RF noise (audio), but it played fine. I did a bunch of testing. One of my sticks seems to have a set of mostly working buttons, the other works, but the side buttons do not. I couldn't confirm if the lower side buttons worked at all. I think the number pad buttons work just fine on both. The start button on one of them was kinda touchy.


Anyway, it seems that its fairly easy to fix the side buttons with some foil or other conductive thing. I'll probably give the insides a once over here soon and I expect to have 2 working sticks. Is there a nice walkthrough someone could link for me that shows how to disassemble the sticks - I've heard its not really that straightforward.


I also recently picked up a 2600 adapter that doesn't seem to work right. I have a 2 port 5200 so it should be compatable right? When I put it in with a game, I get various distorted images - Superman for instance just gives me about 6 solid red verticle bars about an inch in width. Megamania gave me thin wavy diagonal lines and Combat gave me a complete black screen. Does anyone know what behavior you get if you try to use the adapter in a non-compatable 5200? Is it similar to what I'm seeing? Turning it on with no game shows a lot of mixed up colored garbage seems like it was mostly blue and yellow. I was surprised that you could insert the adapter oriented multiple ways - hopefully there is no harm to doing that because I tried it :)

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Here's Best Electronics instructions for opening up the CX52...




The key is to get the front bezel (the plastic bit with the Start/Pause/Reset buttons) off first. If you don't, the underlying flex circuit may get bent up during disassembly, and if that gets bent-up, those buttons may not work so great in the future. (If there's a way to fix that kind of flex circuit damage, I don't know what it is, other than replacing it with a new one.)


Best would obviously prefer you to buy their gold-plated replacement parts, but many of us have had good luck just crazy gluing bits of aluminum foil to the carbon dots of the fire and S/P/R buttons.


As for the 2600 adapter, it should work fine given that you have a 2-port system. Sounds like your 2600 carts may just be a bit dirty. Clean 'em off with the good ol alcohol and Q-tip method and see if you have better luck.

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Here's Best Electronics instructions for opening up the CX52...




The key is to get the front bezel (the plastic bit with the Start/Pause/Reset buttons) off first. If you don't, the underlying flex circuit may get bent up during disassembly, and if that gets bent-up, those buttons may not work so great in the future. (If there's a way to fix that kind of flex circuit damage, I don't know what it is, other than replacing it with a new one.)


Best would obviously prefer you to buy their gold-plated replacement parts, but many of us have had good luck just crazy gluing bits of aluminum foil to the carbon dots of the fire and S/P/R buttons.


As for the 2600 adapter, it should work fine given that you have a 2-port system. Sounds like your 2600 carts may just be a bit dirty. Clean 'em off with the good ol alcohol and Q-tip method and see if you have better luck.


Thanks for the tips


As for the 2600 adapter, carts are clean and they work fine in an actual 2600. I always clean with 99% ethanol when I get used stuff . . .

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  • 1 year later...

Finally got the sticks working by cleaning them up and using some copper foil dots on the lower "fire" buttons. Both sticks work great.


2600 adapter has been repaired. Seems it had some broken trace wires that someone repaired with low guage wire manually. It works sporadically, but has some distortion and lines and stuff. Not sure exactly what this thing has been through. It is what it is.


All in all, this was a great deal for me. Working 5200 and now 2 working sticks. Prolly will get the flashcart to get the full experience

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