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5200 cartridge door issue


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I bought a few games from a place that will remain nameless. While the games work, I do have 1 game that I am not able to use right now because the door on the cartridge goes all the way down on one side, but stops part way down on the other thus not allowing it to fit into the cartridge slot in the system, I hope this makes sense. I was wondering if there is an easy fix to this. I bought a bunch of games, but this is the one I want to play the most, space dungeon if you'd like to know, and I can't figure out how to make it so the door goes all the way down on the side it gets stuck at right now. Also to note, the door does not spring back, it just stays down when It does start to go into the slot, so something tells me something is wrong with the springs or whatever is used inside the cartridges.



Edited by metzger130
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Ok.......... how? Is there directions online or can someone explain to me how to do this


It can be a little tricky at first. After un-screwing the screw in the back you have to grab both front and back of the cart and squeeze the cart to get one side of the cart passed the inner tabs. There are four tabs on the inside of the cart. Two on each side, one at the top and one at the bottom. All you have to do is get passed one side of tabs. So you put your fingers of one hand on the back of one side the cart and your fingers of your other hand on the front of the same side of the cart and pull on the back while pushing on the front. It's tricky but doable. You have to use a good amount of force.



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Are there supposed to be physical springs in the case? I opened it and I saw 2 pieces that make the door and that is all. The bottom part was not seated correctly and once I seated that correctly it now fits in with no problem. Now if I turn the case upside down the door opens, if I put it down it closes, so it doesn't "spring back" at all, but it's there and works.

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Are there supposed to be physical springs in the case? I opened it and I saw 2 pieces that make the door and that is all. The bottom part was not seated correctly and once I seated that correctly it now fits in with no problem. Now if I turn the case upside down the door opens, if I put it down it closes, so it doesn't "spring back" at all, but it's there and works.


There is suppose to be just one spring in the cart. It's in the shape of a 'V'. It sounds like your spring is missing. If it is shoot me a Private Message with your address and I'll stick one in an envelope and send one to you.



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