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Am I the only one who thinks Little Big Planet is hard?


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its not the levels that much, its the controlls. everything is like in slow mo, you jump up really slow, you fall like you have a parachute on and everything feels like your in space. I can own smb and all that and harder games like blaster master, but I just can't do LBP with precision...


Am I the only one who thinks this is hard?

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It does have a mushy feel to it. I guess maybe to keep with the theme of playing with a mushy sack avatar. Even so, I've never had a problem playing.


Game play itself not withstanding, this was one of the games I first thought was fascinating, with the colorful fantasy levels, and whatnot. But after the fascination wore off, the game isn't that fun any more. It's not really an adventure game. More of a physics engine disguised as a platformer.


My son, however, plays it often. We have LBP 1 for PS3 and PSP, and he still wants to get LBP2. He seems to like quite a bit, and really enjoys designing levels and trying out new things.

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The control is a little off, and on top of it, it's overly complex. Combined with the chosen 'artistic style' of the thing, and I'm not a huge fan.


I am a huge fan of toolkits in games generally, though. I like to create, and very few games directly scratch that itch. BudgeCo sold me on the idea long ago.

Edited by Reaperman
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Good, I thought you were just a moron... and we have enough of those in the world already...


Dude, not sure what's going on with you, but most of the posts you've put on this forum that I've read have been less than positive, and not contributory. I'm hoping you're just joking around, but that's hard to tell in written form. Attacking people, new and old members, with posts like this ... it's just not acceptable, especially from someone as new as you. We have a good community here at AA. Please try to respect the feelings of others when you post.


And if you begin stalking me with your posts as I've seen you do to other members, you will be reported. People who continue with posts like yours are generally banned.

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Good, I thought you were just a moron... and we have enough of those in the world already...


Dude, not sure what's going on with you, but most of the posts you've put on this forum that I've read have been less than positive, and not contributory. I'm hoping you're just joking around, but that's hard to tell in written form. Attacking people, new and old members, with posts like this ... it's just not acceptable, especially from someone as new as you. We have a good community here at AA. Please try to respect the feelings of others when you post.


And if you begin stalking me with your posts as I've seen you do to other members, you will be reported. People who continue with posts like yours are generally banned.


I was clearly joking, and besides the fact I was calling him not a moron... and you also haven't seen most of my post if you think they're all negative... I've offered help with repair jobs many times even in some case offering free parts if needed... I don't know where this is coming from... yes I've had a problem with one other member getting angry at me for something and have since lighted up on him... as for a stalking accusation I have no idea what you could possibly be refering to, I even went back and checked the last threads I posted in for your name and you didn't come up so I don't know what that's about...


If I've some how insulted you im sorry, but I believe I've been a helpful member of this community... but I guess not... maybe ill just stop posting then, I just liked talking to other people that understood collecting...

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Good, I thought you were just a moron... and we have enough of those in the world already...


Dude, not sure what's going on with you, but most of the posts you've put on this forum that I've read have been less than positive, and not contributory. I'm hoping you're just joking around, but that's hard to tell in written form. Attacking people, new and old members, with posts like this ... it's just not acceptable, especially from someone as new as you. We have a good community here at AA. Please try to respect the feelings of others when you post.


And if you begin stalking me with your posts as I've seen you do to other members, you will be reported. People who continue with posts like yours are generally banned.


I was clearly joking, and besides the fact I was calling him not a moron... and you also haven't seen most of my post if you think they're all negative... I've offered help with repair jobs many times even in some case offering free parts if needed... I don't know where this is coming from... yes I've had a problem with one other member getting angry at me for something and have since lighted up on him... as for a stalking accusation I have no idea what you could possibly be refering to, I even went back and checked the last threads I posted in for your name and you didn't come up so I don't know what that's about...


If I've some how insulted you im sorry, but I believe I've been a helpful member of this community... but I guess not... maybe ill just stop posting then, I just liked talking to other people that understood collecting...

Ok, then let me go by saying it this way ...

Clearly ... it was unclear that you were joking about "thinking the guy is just a moron". No qualifiers, no little smilies to indicate you are just joking, etc. Some of the older members here could say the exact same thing to me, and I'd laugh it off because I know them, and I know they're just doing it for the funny. I don't know you well enough to say the same about you, and my initial assumption would be the same as if a stranger walked up to me on the street and called me a moron. It'd be a WTF scenario.


Sometimes I will "call someone out" for a fun time. I've been here long enough to have a good idea who I can have fun with, and who I just need to stay serious with. I've got 2400+ posts, and have been here for 1.5 years, but I still consider myself young on AA, and am careful how I post with some people. I'm always respectful to new members when they are asking questions. You are a recently new member, and I doubt you really know the personalities of who you're posting with and about.

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I say both of you lighten up. If anyone said something as stupid as I said, i would think they were a moron too. IDK, I would say something more, but I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into text right now (I'm not that much of a text kind of guy, more of a show you/example/verbal kind of guy) so I'll leave it at that.


Anyway, I see no reason to be offended or to get mad or anything of that sort.


BTW, yes the world has enough morons, I've seen many on the road today driving recklessly.

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Good, I thought you were just a moron... and we have enough of those in the world already...


Dude, not sure what's going on with you, but most of the posts you've put on this forum that I've read have been less than positive, and not contributory. I'm hoping you're just joking around, but that's hard to tell in written form. Attacking people, new and old members, with posts like this ... it's just not acceptable, especially from someone as new as you. We have a good community here at AA. Please try to respect the feelings of others when you post.


And if you begin stalking me with your posts as I've seen you do to other members, you will be reported. People who continue with posts like yours are generally banned.


I was clearly joking, and besides the fact I was calling him not a moron... and you also haven't seen most of my post if you think they're all negative... I've offered help with repair jobs many times even in some case offering free parts if needed... I don't know where this is coming from... yes I've had a problem with one other member getting angry at me for something and have since lighted up on him... as for a stalking accusation I have no idea what you could possibly be refering to, I even went back and checked the last threads I posted in for your name and you didn't come up so I don't know what that's about...


If I've some how insulted you im sorry, but I believe I've been a helpful member of this community... but I guess not... maybe ill just stop posting then, I just liked talking to other people that understood collecting...

Ok, then let me go by saying it this way ...

Clearly ... it was unclear that you were joking about "thinking the guy is just a moron". No qualifiers, no little smilies to indicate you are just joking, etc. Some of the older members here could say the exact same thing to me, and I'd laugh it off because I know them, and I know they're just doing it for the funny. I don't know you well enough to say the same about you, and my initial assumption would be the same as if a stranger walked up to me on the street and called me a moron. It'd be a WTF scenario.


Sometimes I will "call someone out" for a fun time. I've been here long enough to have a good idea who I can have fun with, and who I just need to stay serious with. I've got 2400+ posts, and have been here for 1.5 years, but I still consider myself young on AA, and am careful how I post with some people. I'm always respectful to new members when they are asking questions. You are a recently new member, and I doubt you really know the personalities of who you're posting with and about.


Oh, shit. We are still having problems with missing smilies?? Go away for a year and come back hoping this issue has been addressed, but no, people still haven't grasped the importance of the smiley face. Damn it, people get with the program!! Get it, program, haha, program, you know a forum about video games and, ahem, well, yes, :grin: :-D :grin: :-D :grin: :-D :grin: :-D :grin: :-D :grin: :-D :grin: :thumbsdown: :P :P :thumbsup: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked LBP, but I grew somewhat bored with it because it became a game that, while I don't necessarily dislike, I just couldn't get interested in. I didn't find the game so much difficult as it was slightly unwieldy and abstract. Abstract in the sense that the game really does rely a lot on user customization and creation of content, much more than other platformer games. And I also found the physics to be a little off. As a kindness, I'll describe them as being a bit on the "floaty" side. Gravity just seems to have much less of an effect in the game than one would normally expect, and this has caused me to over- or under-jump on a number of occasions. Things like that have slowed me down in progressing in the game and I moved on to other titles as a result.

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