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Untitled 2k game


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OK, so here's the backstory:

Some bully threw your teddy bear on the other side of a minefield. Your job is to get to the other side without stepping on a mine. If you do, the game restarts and the mines are placed anew.


I just thought it would fit in 2k. It did. There can be up to 11 mines on the 8x8 playfield, but some can overlap. I don't know what to call this game or what changes I should make to the game. That's where you come in. A fun little diversion I made while taking a break from the celery game.




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name for the game?

Beartari Boom


it is cute, but random like that not fun for long


some ideas: for a second, the bombs are shown then invisible

up to you to remember, of course it is becoming easy quite quickly

so you can have moving bombs always from up to down, left to right

and when you push the button, you can see them, but you lose one time unit each time

and you have 20-30 time units

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Not sure if this is possible to fit into the 2K format, but you should show the mine layout for about a half second (once the board starts). Then have the mines disappear. This way, the player has to try to quickly commit the mine layout to memory before proceeding.


Otherwise, looks good :)



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I will have to try this out again, I didn't like it much at first. Does the minefield stay the same, so you can keep trying to figure it out? If not, then you need something like the peek, or clues you just added.

If it is random, could you implement a "Detector"? Say when you are near a mine in any direction, it buzzes, lights, or changes your sprite some way. You won't know which direction it is in, but have to try different approaches to triangulate the mines.

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  • 10 months later...

Here's the game now. I've added little tiny beeps for player movement. Also, when you get to the end, you get a little congratulatory song. I've also discovered that there is diagonal movement as well. Nothing I had planned on, but I guess it's needed in some cases I have discovered. Let me know bugs and your thoughts. I have 14 bytes left (and even that's because I disabled the pfscrolling routine since it's not needed here.)



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Due to my faulty math skills, the mines were only showing up in the first four spots, leaving the right half of the minefield mine-free. I fixed that and also disabled diagonal scrolling. I did all these changes and yet I still only have 14 bytes free, just like the last time. Again, tell me of stuff.



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OK, major game changes here. I thought, Why not put a score in? So I did, so now it becomes a timed game of how many teddy bears you can rescue. But it's not teddy bears you're rescuing anymore. Instead it's how many family members you can guide to the bathroom. You see, someone forgot to see if the clams were good, and they weren't, so they all need to go to the bathroom really bad. The nearest outhouse is right on the other side of the minefield. Rather than running over to the other one, they decide they can't hold it in any longer and need to use the one on the other side of the minefield. But it's OK because they have infinite lives, but if they get blown up by a landmine, they start at the left side of the minefield. Press "fire" to start a new game. You have 60 seconds to work with. I think the title of the game now should be "Explosive Diarrhea". ;)

(By the way, if you upload the bas file and try to compile it, it won't unless you have my files. If you need to for any reason, PM me and I'll give you my custom files for the game.)



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Added some animation that you can see when the guy is far enough away from the outhouse once he gets to the other side. I also changed the outhouse from player0 to ball so it could be taller, but it no longer has the crescent moon that normal outhouses do.



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I was looking through the default.inc file and I thought to myself "What if I disabled pf_drawing.asm?" So I tried it even though I had a playfield, and it worked anyway. So now I'm wondering what that file does. (Plus, now I have 151 bytes left now if I want to keep it at 2k.)

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  • 2 months later...

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