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Some 8-bit games..


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8bit Galaxian definately needs to be redone...the "diving" sounds are enough to drive you nuts.


Missile Command is a good game...you should have been able to find it for less than $14 though.


Defender RAWKS! Excellent arcade port...though there is a small bug in the cartridge (fails to initialize occasionally).


I have the Epyx disk version of Pole Position...dunno what the cart is like. But the disk game is very well done.


Dunno about Realsports Football.

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8bit Galaxian definately needs to be redone...the "diving" sounds are enough to drive you nuts.


Missile Command is a good game...you should have been able to find it for less than $14 though.


Defender RAWKS!  Excellent arcade port...though there is a small bug in the cartridge (fails to initialize occasionally).


I have the Epyx disk version of Pole Position...dunno what the cart is like.  But the disk game is very well done.


Dunno about Realsports Football.


I disagree with Galaxian needing to be redone. It's a blast to play, as the many, many hours I used to spend on it can attest to. The diving sound can get on your nerves, though, especially in the later levels where the enemies get a bit smarter about avoiding your shots.


Missile Command is a good port. One question, though...were any of you able to use the trackball in analogue mode? My trackball never seemed to like it, even with Missile Command.


Defender is the king of all 8bit cartridges, IMO. I played that game so much I became a GOD at it (as those who witnessed me win the Defender tourney at JF2k2 after not having played it for over a decade can attest to).


Can't comment on the 8bit Pole Position, as I never played it.


Realsports Football was a blast, but had a couple of problems. The field was extremely long, and your guys run extremely slow. Running across the length of the field can literally take a couple of minutes. Also, field goals are EXTREMELY hard to kick. Be forewarned.

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The Galaxian port was AWFUL! I still remember how bad it was...the sounds and gameplay were just totally off from the arcade machine. I remember also that you could let the enemies swoop down and touch your ship and your 'missile' would kill them on contact without even firing - try it!

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8bit Galaxian may have some funky sound (that one note that keeps getting held for 10 seconds of more is REALLY BAD) and not be excatly like the arcade game...


But in 1982 it was THE conversion - better than any other clone or rip off and as close to the arcade as many contemporary conversions of other games...



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I would likely attribute the conversion quality then (as indeed now in my experience) is driven by the time allowed for the conversion to be done and the resources allocated to the project.


Most of these older 8bit conversions were one or two people, in a sub six month time frame - that's never gonna get you a perfect conversion (whatever the power of your target platform) IMHO...



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I would likely attribute the conversion quality then (as indeed now in my experience) is driven by the time allowed for the conversion to be done and the resources allocated to the project.


Most of these older 8bit conversions were one or two people, in a sub six month time frame - that's never gonna get you a perfect conversion (whatever the power of your target platform) IMHO...




I agree. Another factor was learning to program the new machine. The Atari 800 was such a radical departure, it took a couple of years before people could figure out the technical stuff. Atari was not quick to release alot of info initially. After the intro in 1979, it was probably 1982 before you saw some sophisticated graphics and games. The exception being "Star Raiders" which had everyone dumbfounded and asking "How'd they do that!?"

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Haha...that was pretty funny!  People went as far as saying that it was some kind of cartoon animation, because "the computer can't do THAT!". :lol:


Somewhere, there is a review by a well known computer guru in 1980. , I remember that the guy was almost angry. The general tone was like .. How dare Atari demo this game with any explanation And where was the documentation of the computer? Even mainframe computers weren't doing this kind of real time simulation, how is the little Atari doing it? It was like some trick was being played on him


Of course, Warner management was clueless about the potential and was mainly targeting education markets. At least, thats what it looked like to me.

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Galactic Chase was way too slow IMHO...


It may have been a PAL thing, but I always thought it was a bit like playing Galaxians in slow mo...

Yeah, it does start pretty slow even under NTSC, but it picks up as you go along. You can also start in Expert mode by hitting Select (or Option?) before you start. This about doubles the game speed.


After playing Galactic Chase for a while, Galaxian's spastic animation is intolerable.

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