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XEGS rarity and price?

Channel 2

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Like the subject line says. How rare is the XEGS system, and how much would I expect to pay for one? I'm living in Seattle, Washington, but if I ever have the space and time for it, I'd probably get one online.


Another thing. I understand the XEGS will play most 8-bit computer (the original 400/800) and 5200 carts. Is this right?


If so, it would make it a perfect system for me to collect. I had a 400 when it was new and played it alot; also a 2600, and when I heard of the 5200 I wanted that (not knowing it was much the same thing as the 400); and I actually won a XEGS in a contest when it came out, but my mother persuaded me to take the second place prize instead, and I never saw it.

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The distinction between a console and a computer is often how it is packaged and marketed. In the case of the 2600 and its contemporaries, the hardware is so limited it would be useless as a computer, but later consoles are more powerful than earlier computers, and often are the same machine inside as another that's sold as a computer. We all know that the X-Box is a stripped down PC, but the XE game system isn't even stripped down--it's a 65 XE with a detachable keyboard. To me, the Atari 8 bits were close enough to a console already that if they package and sell it as one I'll readily agree. But since we're calling the 8 bit line computers, and the XEGS is exactly the same as one of them, it only makes sense to lump it in with the rest.


The 5200 is a different case, even though it's just a modified 8 bit at heart. There's no way to turn it into a passable computer, and it has no compatability cartridge-wise to the other 8 bits. For one thing the cartridges are a different shape--which should have told me the XEGS can't use them, if I had been thinking.


I wonder if it would be possible to build a converter. Or how much work it would be to convert the roms for use in the XE and make cartridges.

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