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Some minutes ago, i saw that i forgot some PAL60 versions in the list here, for example the two KEYSTONE KAPERS versions from "Davy K" and "Nukey Shay". Sadly it`s not possible for me anymore, to edit this entry where the list is posted. Would it be possible, that one of the moderators can make this entry editable for all the time? This would have the advantage, that i could enter up new PAL60 versions there from time to time, because now we have the next games (Submarine Commander and so on) which are not in the list.


Thanks OMEGAMATRIX for this REALSPORTS TENNIS version. Now we have the bigger screen and the correct NTSC-speed, but sadly we have this ugly NTSC-colorpalette of the game. In the PAL-version of this game, the colors are much nicer for the eye, especially the green playfield-color. When you could please adapt the colors of the PAL50-version to this PAL60-version, then we would have the perfect "REALSPORTS TENNIS" version, which would have all advantages in one.

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Okay, here is RealSports Tennis Ver2 then. :) I also fixed a minor bug where I labelled a particular byte a color when it shouldn't have been at $DFCD.







As for editing that post, IMHO it would almost be better to start a new topic with that list, so that it is in the first post. Then ask Al or a mod to make it so you could edit that first post. It would also be nice if most of the roms were in that post. You don't have to include all of the homebrews or stuff that is being sold in the AA store. That is much better then having to dig through dozens of pages and hundreds of posts to find them. Or maybe someone could update the hacks and homebrews download again, with a specific folder for PAL60 conversions.

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Thanks OMEGAMATRIX, this V2 is perfect. Having the bigger NTSC-screen makes a big difference in this PAL60-version of the game to the normal PAL50 version. And the PAL-colors we also have now, which really looks better in this game. Great. Now my last wish would be ZAXXON, because BATAAIS version runs faster than the normal gamespeed is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

PAL60 version of the excellent homebrew Gunfight.




I also changed the source code. It was quite easy to add the switch because of the way the original dev created it....DASM version.



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btw....the contributors to this thread are titans. Many , many thanks to you all for your help with mine and with the amazing work done on other ROMs. You have made me and many PAL gamers very happy.


And God Bless the Harmony Cart team!!

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Great DavyK, that you came here with the next PAL60-versions!!!


Nevertheless, two things i found out.


Your first file, the "gunfightpal60.bin" don`t work in my STELLA-Emulator (Version 3.6.1). I only get a blackscreen with a piep-sound, that hangs in a loop. I have not tried this file on my Harmony until now, but it`s strange, that i get this error in STELLA, because the two normal versions (PAL and NTSC) runs without a problem in the emulator. Does the file work in your STELLA?


Second thing is, that i can not unzip your "gunfightdasmpal60switch.zip" file, without getting an "zip-file structure invalid" error. Tried to unzip it with "PowerArchiver" and also with "7zip" and i can not depack this file, because i always get this error. Which program have you used, to pack this file?

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The bin seems OK in Stella....I have uploaded it again.


The source code zip archive had the wrong files so I have uploaded the correct version of that:


PAL60 bin : http://www.davykelly.com/gunfightpal60.bin

DASM Source code : http://www.davykelly.com/gunfightDASMPal60Switch.zip

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Now i can unpack the zip. GUNFIGHT now also works!


Strange is, that i downloaded your bin-file from the first entry again to compare and now also this works in my STELLA V3.6.1. Yesterday it hangs in a blackscreen with a piepsound-loop. Strange, don`t know what the problem was, but now it works, without that i changed everything. First time i had such an issue. But important is, that it works now.


GUNFIGHT is a great game, i have it also on my C-64. Your PAL60-version runs great and looks good. The normal PAL50-version of this game feels like slowmotion against the NTSC and PAL60 version.


So, one good PAL60-version more. Maybe anybody can have a look at the NTSC-version of ZAXXON and fix the colors for PAL60? :)

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It may have been the way I FTPed the files onto my website - I might have used ascii mode instead of image mode. Can't remember.


I really wouldn't say this is "my" version. All I did was make 2 changes to the source and created the BIN file using DASM - all the hard work was done by the original dev, and , he made such a good job that it was easy to make the PAL60 version.

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There are some really good hacks of "Space Invaders". Some of them, i even like more than the original Atari-2600 version of this game, which is also good.


Especially i like this hacks of the game:

- Space Invaders Vector (2003) (Scott Dayton)

- Space Invaders Arcade (1999) (Rob Kudla) - also called "Better Space Invaders"

- Space Invaders Deluxe (2005) (Kurt Howe)

- Space Invaders Multi-Color (2006) (Kurt Howe) - also called "Multi-Color Space Invaders"

- Space Invaders Rainbow (2004) (Kurt Howe)


In some of this hacks, for example the two i wrote first, only one color is different between PAL and NTSC, so they can be played on PAL-consoles too without a problem. The only difference is, that a "grey-green" color is then "blue" on PAL-consoles. Naturally it would be the best, if this one color could be adjusted, that the game would look exactly the same on PAL and NTSC consoles. The next three versions i wrote above, are also great, but here more colors needed to be adjusted to let the game look good on PAL-consoles.


Maybe, when anybody of the PAL60-specialists here, has some time and would have a look at this Space Invaders Hacks, it would be great.


And one question to OMEGAMATRIX i have. You wrote in one of your former posts here, that you have written a little program, which lets you adjust NTSC-colorpalettes to PAL-colorpalettes automatically. Do you think, it would be possible in any way, to write a program, that automatically makes a complete PAL60-version of a NTSC-game by itself? So the user inputs a NTSC-rom and the program outputs the completed PAL60-rom, where the colors and other needed things were adjusted automatically. Or is this not possible at all and must be handmade, because there are different things to change in any rom and those color-values are on completely different places and in completely different format inside this roms?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Like Omegamatrix suggested it here in the thread, i copied all PAL60 roms together in one archiv. All i could find here in the forum. Then it`s not necessary for people who are interested in these, to search in lots of threads.


Most of this PAL60-versions of the roms are made by people like Nukey Shay, Bataais, Omegamatrix, davyK and some other people here in the forum.


All games which was still sold as cartridges in "AtariAge Shop", i deleted from the archive, because of copyright-reasons. I hope i have not overlooked any file, but if anybody find one of these, tell me and i delete it. For some of these games, i also found PAL60 versions which was not officially sold. Because some of these games have only a PAL50 and a NTSC version to buy, but somebody made a PAL60 version later, for some other games also PAL60 versions was sold. I dont know, if its allowed to let PAL60 versions inside the archive, from these games, which was only sold in PAL50 and NTSC versions, so i deleted all of these from the archive. When anybody can tell me, if this is allowed, then i can put these games back in the archiv.


In the whole its 202 PAL60-roms. So, not bad, i think. :) I hope that there will still come more PAL60 versions.

202 pal60 roms.zip

Edited by AW127
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys. I thought it was time to bump the thread (why isn't this stickied!?) with a request if anyone is interested in taking it on.


I recently watched a Classic Game Room review of Aquaventure for the 2600. It was never properly released but was put out on the Atari Flashback 2+. It looks like a really nice game. Sadly, it seems to be NTSC as it only plays in black and white on my Harmony and CRT telly... :(


So, anyone fancy looking at it?


Slightly off topic: Who would one ask to sticky this thread? It's full of valuable info and links from all you guys and it's super useful for all us PAL gamers. :)

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Like Omegamatrix suggested it here in the thread, i copied all PAL60 roms together in one archiv. All i could find here in the forum. Then it`s not necessary for people who are interested in these, to search in lots of threads.


Most of this PAL60-versions of the roms are made by people like Nukey Shay, Bataais, Omegamatrix, davyK and some other people here in the forum.


All games which was still sold as cartridges in "AtariAge Shop", i deleted from the archive, because of copyright-reasons. I hope i have not overlooked any file, but if anybody find one of these, tell me and i delete it. For some of these games, i also found PAL60 versions which was not officially sold. Because some of these games have only a PAL50 and a NTSC version to buy, but somebody made a PAL60 version later, for some other games also PAL60 versions was sold. I dont know, if its allowed to let PAL60 versions inside the archive, from these games, which was only sold in PAL50 and NTSC versions, so i deleted all of these from the archive. When anybody can tell me, if this is allowed, then i can put these games back in the archiv.


In the whole its 202 PAL60-roms. So, not bad, i think. :) I hope that there will still come more PAL60 versions.


I would say if there's a link on the forum or shop page, then the ROMs would be legal to add to your collection. AA is a pretty upstanding and honest place. If someone had created or distributed a ROM that is questionable I'm pretty sure that it would be taken down. :)


Nice work on gathering all these together though. I think it will be a useful resource for lots of PAL gamers and particularly handy for those new to the 2600 and/or the Harmony cart. :)

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I played the hell out of the two PHOENIX versions (original PAL version / PAL60 version made out of NTSC version) in last month on my PAL-Atari-2600. As a final-result i would say, the PAL version is a little bit harder to play, because of the enemy-shots which moves slightly faster than in the NTSC version. The shots from the own ship are also somewhat faster, but this not compensate it completely, at least for me. Maybe for other players this is different. In NTSC version of PHOENIX the bird-enemys fly a little bit faster, but nevertheless in the whole, for me the PAL version is slightly more difficult. Very interesting is, that the enemys definitely fly different ways in both game versions.


One example - while playing the NTSC-version, in the bird-level you can shoot the three below birds in one move, when you walk left at the beginning and shoot three times in the exactly right moment. In PAL-Version this is not possible, because the last bird then change his moving-direction. I tried it lots of times, but it's always the same, he changes the direction. So in this game, the PAL and NTSC version not only differs in little speed-gaps, they differ from alot of other things too, which players can realize when playing both version a little bit.


In the moment, only PAL-users can enjoy both versions on their consoles. Wouldn't a NTSC-50 version of PHOENIX, made out of the PAL-50 version, be a good idea? The original PAL-Game is already speed-adjusted and not slower, so NTSC-50 would be perfect, only colors must be adjusted. Then also user of NTSC-Ataris could play both versions in correct colors. Also interesting, then the colors must be changed in the opposite way than from all the PAL-60 roms. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Today i tried the game "Battlezone" on my PAL Atari-2600. Have never played this game and it looked not very good. Later i wanted to see the NTSC-version of the game in Stella.


This is how this game looks in PAL:



And this is how it looks in NTSC:



This is the biggest differences i ever seen between a PAL and NTSC version when it comes to colours. The PAL-version looks totally bad here in this case. Where have all the nice colour-gradients gone? They are missing completely in the PAL-version and also the speed was not adjusted and game runs slower. One of the worst PAL-conversions i ever have seen and why, it`s not necessary. The producers could adjust the speed and the colors, but seems like the manufacturer dont wanted back in time.


Would be a perfect candidate for a good PAL60-version. Which means, bringing the colors and the speed of the NTSC-version to the PAL-version.


If somebody of the PAL60-specialists have time/delight and could have a look on this game, it would be cool. I will also have a look and read the threads, where it`s described how to make conversions, because it interest me and so many games which dont have good conversions. Dont know it if will work to adjust colors and speed of a PAL-version without programming-skills, but i will try in next weeks, then i have holidays and more time to read.

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