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Working on an A8 Label Variation List! Please Contribute!


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I've been working on creating an official A8 Label Variation List.

Currently only doing Atari manufactured cartridges, I'll do the rest later.





If you have something not on the list yet, please send me a PM, and post pictures to this thread.

I have photos of each of the variations on this list so far, taken from AA, Pitfalljones.com, eBay, and

other various places around the web.



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I've been through your list and had a look at my carts. I can only find two that don't appear on your list


Your list has


Lode Runner:

a) Cart: 2, Label: 2, ©1987, Printed in Taiwan


I'm guessing you meant label 3?


Anyway there is also a Cart 3 Label 3 (which I'm guessing a lot of people have?)


And I have a


Cart 1 Label 3 Eastern Front, again I'm guessing that if I've got one then it's pretty common


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I would think a project like this would be very difficult :) Remember some of those distributors and Atari service and sales outfits made labels, and still do. The silver 3D tic-tac-toe is one of them. I believe the Eastern front XE was also a label made by a distributor.

So you might try to filter out homemade/non-production labels. Unless you're noting all of those too?

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Yep difficult, he'll need help.


Definitely need to filter out home made labels. Have a look through your collections people.


Could this list feed the rarities list here on atariage? I know that the rarities list was dropped in favour of using the atarimania rarities guide but it's a nice looking list and there are already quite a few cart scans up there so a good start. I think if the list was to be stored here people would be more interested in contributing perhaps?

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Updated the list and added photos / scans of most of the variations.


How can you tell if a label was applied via a 3rd party? The 3dTTT one was by best electronics IIRC, and I noted it in the list.


Pretty please go through your collection and check if you have anything not in the list, and if you have better pictures or scans of what's on the site, please post them to this forum.


I assume this basic cartridge is a 3rd party label:



I want to try and have as complete a list as possible, but I don't think that cart was made by atari. It looks like a brown roklan cart.

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Going back over the roklan titles, some of these appear to have the label on backwards and appear to not have two notches out of the bottom. See below pics:






Here are a few ones with the notches:




I am viewing the two different types of cutouts as variations, but can someone confirm if some labels are on backwards?

If this is the case, I'll have to remove two entries

Edited by krypton85
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here you have it - my version of "Star Raiders" as a completely recycled product of Atari Corp.


a)This is the cartridge which looks like one of the XL series with silver-label (shows two carts, the newer silver-label version and one of the older versions):




b) And this is the manual, which looks like a typical XE / XEGS manual, but for an Atari XE Video Game Cassette, so they added an extra single sheet named Atari Star Raiders Cartridge Instructions:




c) And as if all this was not enough, XL-style cart, XE-style manual, here comes the package, in the style of old Atari 400/800 packages, but in A5 size (original Star Raiders package was almost A4 size):




I had several of these Star Raiders carts and most of them did not work or locked up at some point, because the cart had only one ROM chip with 4k on the pcb. Luckily this cart/pcb above has two chips with 4k each, so the full 8k Star Raiders seems to be there (have played it until now, without any problems or lockups)...


-Andreas Koch.


P.S.: Some of my Atari friends also have E.T. and Missile Command on XL-style carts (brown cart with silver-label). But these silver-label carts seem to be kinda "rare", since I have not seen them anywhere else, nor have I been able to buy these two games on cart with silver-labels for the last 10-20 years (on ebay I always find these carts with the old black or brown labels)...

Edited by CharlieChaplin
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Updated the list and added photos / scans of most of the variations.


How can you tell if a label was applied via a 3rd party? The 3dTTT one was by best electronics IIRC, and I noted it in the list.


Pretty please go through your collection and check if you have anything not in the list, and if you have better pictures or scans of what's on the site, please post them to this forum.


I assume this basic cartridge is a 3rd party label:



I want to try and have as complete a list as possible, but I don't think that cart was made by atari. It looks like a brown roklan cart.

It is a real Atari cart & label.

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Updated the list and added photos / scans of most of the variations.


How can you tell if a label was applied via a 3rd party? The 3dTTT one was by best electronics IIRC, and I noted it in the list.


Pretty please go through your collection and check if you have anything not in the list, and if you have better pictures or scans of what's on the site, please post them to this forum.


I assume this basic cartridge is a 3rd party label:



I want to try and have as complete a list as possible, but I don't think that cart was made by atari. It looks like a brown roklan cart.

It is a real Atari cart & label.


Be careful what you call "real". The distributors have labels also. Those brown carts cannot be from Atari production. And I received a silver labeled cart from Best or B&C where when asked they said they put the labels on, and have been doing so for years. They called them "from Atari" but they were just made, not production. I returned the cart for an "orginal Atari version". Just because you can make a cart and a label, then years later that is forgotten, doesn't make them production. Someone years ago was putting chips in brown carts and making labels, I've seen about a dozen different manufactures and titles. And recycled Atari cases with "different" labels put on them. There is a roll of that silver label tape out there still.

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Anyone know if this is official Atari, or did best put these on there?




Looks like the real label or a very good copy :) I looks just like mine.

It also came in Atari brown. I use this website for cart images, though it doesn't represent all variations:


Edited by chrislynn5
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