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Who will want buy a Ram-Cart...


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The prices:

128kb - $35

256kb - $55

1mb - $95




That is Ram-Cart! To the ram-cart is a special patched dos that allows you to copy the .exe / .com file from your disk drive driectly to the cartrdige. so the cartridge can contain more then just one game!!!. you can even load DOS to the cartrdige.. there is also a utility to emulate a standard 8k/16k cart.. you just simply load a .bin file into the cart. It is the great thing!

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So with this cart a person could load dozens of cart images or single load game files and it will be stored on this cart. Then the player can just power on the Atari and choose the game he/she wants to play? If this is how it works then I am very interested in obtaining the 1 meg cart. The only bad thing is that I'm currently out of work and will have till wait till March 19th (My Birthday) to get some extra cash to afford it. Also, would it be possible to design ones own menu and save it as a file on the cart. Then when the cart is inserted into the system the self made menu would come up. I'm just curious to know if that is possible. I'm a bit of a finatic and would probably see if there are any cool menu designer type programs out there like there is for my C64. If that isn't possible then no big deal a 1 meg cart that can store and keep stored many many Atari games is something I'd definitely be interested in. Also, does anyone know if a Commodore 64 cart like this exists?



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Would it be possible to do something like:


Automatically loading a game or program???


If the program is an .OBJ file, could your menu just load these up???



If so I would like 2 of the 128K's as I need them to try out with autoloading the "iface" Laserdisc controller for the Atari Museum Computer Kiosk Display... I would like to put on the ERIC, ERIK II and Dragons Lair/Space Ace code loads to allow the 800 on display to run the various laserdisc's loading into the system.


Will this RAM-CART work on an Atari 800 (NOT XL)???


BTW... this display will be one of many at the Atari Museum exhibit at Phillyclassic 4 this coming March 28-30 (www.phillyclassic.com)






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Hi Curt,


theoretlicaly yes,


the ram cart do support .obj files. and there is dos version that support it.. my guess that its possible to program an autorun.sys that will automaticaly load your .obj file.. i dont have the old atari 800 model with me.. but the ram cart should work on this model too since its uses the standard atari cart addressing...


my maybe i can help you in another way.. if you want i can try and convert your OBJ files to load from a standard cartridges???.. what do you think?


best regards


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Then the player can just power on the Atari and choose the game he/she wants to play?




Also, would it be possible to design ones own menu and save it as a file on the cart. Then when the cart is inserted into the system the self made menu would come up. I'm just curious to know if that is possible.

No, but if you are a good programmer you can write your own program to do that ;)

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Quick Question. Will it be possible to personalize the menu a tiny bit? Ex: Maybe give it a personalized Title so when the cart is inserted it may look like this.


-=[*****Draugr's Atari Classics*****]=-






I remember seeing the Atari 7800 high score cart. It would allow the user to personalize the cart by giving it a title and I believe make small changes like text display color, etc...

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A 16 meg or greater cart would be awesome.


Hey... what about this. I know this might be a crazy idea, but ndary or Heniek would probably know the answer to this. Are you guys familiar with CF cards? I have a digital camera that uses them for storage. You just pop the mini CF cart into your camera and it is usable like a ram card. I also can use them for my IPAQ PDA to store data. When ejected they maintain the data on them. Would it be possible to create an Atari 800/XE like cart that has a insert on the top spine where the user could insert his/her own CF cards and have them automatically work like the above RAM cart idea? If possible perhaps the little CF cart would be inserted into the top spine as mentioned above, but once it was inserted it would be flush with the top spine, so the CF cart wasn't sticking out. It would be encased in the cart casing and protected from accidental damage. A small lever or button on the right or left side of the cart could be used to eject the little CF card from the cartridge. That is how my camera works. This would be great because the users could buy only one 800/XE cartridge and just keep a stack of 16/32/64/96/128/256/512, and higher CF carts that would store the data ( I guess if you have a 512mb card, you'd only need one :) ). I think this would be a great idea, if possible. Any thoughts ndary or Heniek?

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OK, I have some questions about this ramcart. Will it work with programs that are designed for extended memory based on the 130XE's (or more) memory structure? Like this "Numen" demo that was done by the people who were working on "Vector?" or any other programs like 'Snapshot' that requires 256k or more memory to load a few progams into it and invisibly swap between them, sort of multitasking. Basically, if this ramcart will take any XL/XE computer and give it real extended memory compatible with but above and beyond the 130XE? So one can avoid upgrading the ram in their system internally? If this cart gives the 8-bit REAL memory, than I'm all for it and would like at least the 256k if not a 1meg model. if it can only store and access multiple programs that are upto 64k, then I'm not interested, not with APE and hardrives available (which I already have). but if it will make my 800XL and future 1200XL computers compatible with my 130XE, then I want it (or even further expand my 130XE's memory to 320k or beyond)! :? :? :?

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answer to your question

the RAMCART switches the CART BANKS ($A000-$BFFF) while extra memory in Atari Switches $4000-$7FFF memory area.. so unless those demos/games that needed extra memory will address the cart area they will not see the extra memory of the RAMCART.


for loading Numen / other demos games i would recommend to upgrade the ATARI to 1meg or more memory



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newel upgrade can go up to 4meg.. i had in the past a 4meg computer.. but this memory upgrade is not compatible with the standard 256k memeory upgrade.. so it came with its own unique mydos etc...


but theoreticly you can make an 16meg upgrade for the atari.. is that enough ;)



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