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MBX Expansion System for TI 99/4A


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I'd say it's a very good price. I paid about $300 for mine, as I recall, and my box isn't in nearly as good a condition. Now you need one of the (lamentably few) MBX-enabled games to go with it; regular 99/4A software is not aware of the MBX.


Just remember not to plug the MBX into the computer, or unplug it from the computer, while either the computer or the MBX are switched on. From a thread that I started about my MBX:


It is pretty easy to treat the MBX like a joystick and just plug it in while everything is hot. It should be noted though that you are basically hooking two computers together and you can cause havoc by doing this. The only MBX I have repaired had two blown 4 bit driver/buffers that handled the joystick interface because someone most likely did just this (aside from the broken VR that Matt mentioned earlier.) When using the MBX the joystick port becomes a serial interface so be careful.
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This one is in the mail: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1108339154091?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=110833915409&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


I had a 99/4A as a kid (Tunnels of Doom, yeah!) but was always curious about this item.


Good price for a NIB?


Congrats. I remember being curious about that! Do you make videos? I would LOVE to see it in action or even details, you typically do not see much on this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't made any videos before, but I've enjoyed those that other AA members have made. I did find a video of "Space Bandits" on Youtube. Right now I'm trying to decide whether I want to break the shrinkwrap on this to play with it, but I need to get another 99/4A first (one's in the mail).

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