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Koronis Rift


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I've been playing Koronis Rift lately (Lucasfilm game) and want to hopefully finish it as I never did years ago. Problem is, I remember that the game originally came with a "reference card" telling what all the symbols meant for the weapons ans sheilds and stuff that are picked up (alien technology). Dose anyone have one of these cards or the instruction manual that could be posted here or send me a scan of it via e-mail? It's just about impossible I think to even think of finishing this game without upgrades and I can't know what I can use without that card/instructions. Every time I try to use something new right now, I end up just bogging down everything and my tank won't move too well, if at all or shoot well or anything. I end up having to call the ship (if I am clear of enemy saucers) and trying to get my ship working right again (also shutting off the new equipment). Please help! :sad:

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Ah, sacrificed many evenings to Koronis Rift. In retrospect, the only thing it really had going for it was the spectacular graphics and terrain interaction. The way your speed and viewpoint varied as you drove around Koronis (and the shifting engine sounds) was just perfect.


Looking back, the actual gameplay sucked hard. You spend all of your time either driving around, or spinning in circles trying to blast the UFOs that hassle you. Success apparently requires figuring out what the modules do via trial-and-error, but in a game where "error" means death by one or two UFO shots, followed by about two minutes to start over, experimentation isn't really encouraged. It's like if someone tried to combine Doom and Mastermind. Just doesn't work.


The "Ballblazer" module was pretty cool though. :)

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I'm not sure if KR was randomly generated or not, I do know the levels stayed the same as far as where you found the artifacts and what the artifacts were, but the landscapes MAY have been random in between those points, or it may have been preset fractal landscapes. I do know for sure that Rescue on Fractalus was randomly generated each time...and The Edielon was definately set fractal tunnels, nothing random there at all. Good question.

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I'm not sure if KR was randomly generated or not, I do know the levels stayed the same as far as where you found the artifacts and what the artifacts were, but the landscapes MAY have been random in between those points, or it may have been preset fractal landscapes. I do know for sure that Rescue on Fractalus was randomly generated each time...and The Edielon was definately set fractal tunnels, nothing random there at all. Good question.


Hmmm, In which case there may be maps/directions.


never seen any though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The trial and error nature of the gameplay is much more enjoyable in emulation (on a pc, or better yet, a Dreamcast) :-) and yea, back in the day, having a real 3d world was enough to make the trial and terror worth the effort (on a side note, i LOVED the fading lighting effects as the terrain got closer, the a8bit version of this game totally SPANKED the c64s graphics.) I recently bought originals of a8bit Koronis Rift & Eidolon to complete me collection of the Lucas fractal games, which I love. Eidolon takes the persistent 3d world gfx of Koronis and introduces them to more of a traditional real-time 3d corridor shooter, and I believe Eidolon was the first real 3d fps. Great game :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...




well... can not find right now the maps... but i can remember seeing them back in 80s in german game mags... they were nice hand-draws.


how are the amstrad cpc & spectrum versions from koronis rift compared to the original?



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