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Comprehensive list of flash carts?


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is there such thing? For example for Atari 2600 there are Harmony and Cuttle. For the NES, I know of PowerPak, etc. I would like to see a list of all flashable game cart that can either run off memory card or via cable to computer. EPROM (multi) cart wouldn't quite be flashable and would be a pain in the butt to change if you're developing or adding new games.


I would love to see a list that has: current or discontinued; memory card type (if used); cable connection (if used); and how many games it can run ie about 99% for NES Powerpak, SNES PowerPak and SNES Everdrive has signifiantly less due to wide variety of extra chips like DSP-1 and SFX chips that aren't on flashable cart.


Maybe a separate list of consoles that do not have flashable multi carts and why such as Neo Geo (AES or MVS) because they are a major pain in the butt to design and develop and as it is, flashable multicart may never exist for Neo Geo.

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