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Best Space Invaders-type game on the 2600

Room 34

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Space Invaders spawned a thousand other video games, and many of those arcade games made it to the 2600.


So, what do you think is the best Space Invaders-type game on the 2600, in terms of enhancement of the concept, as well as execution on the system?


For reference, I would consider these some examples of Space Invaders-type games:


Space Invaders (of course)





Demon Attack


Basically, any game where you move left-to-right across the bottom of the screen and shoot at stuff coming down from the sky.


I am going to give two picks: For the best overall concept, I like Phoenix best. For inventive and addictive gameplay, Demon Attack.

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My top picks are Phoenix for its cool theme, spaceship saucer level, and splitting birds; and Megamania.


I think I'd pick Megamania as my all-time favorite. Phoenix got boring a bit faster than Megamania ever did. The thing about MM is that I always felt like the next level would offer some new pattern to it. It took me many plays to beat the 2nd level of enemies for the first time. What's great is the Activision Cliché of giving you bonus lives at 10,000 points and offering bonus points for left-over energy, so even if you die a lot, you are always trying to hit that 10,000 point plateau.

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mmmmm.. so many tasty options :D


Basically, any game where you move left-to-right across the bottom of the screen and shoot at stuff coming down from the sky.


Incidentally, it was always my beef when I was a kid that 2600 Space Invaders took out so much of the arcade 'tricks' and watered it down to just be a pure 'move left/right and shoot aliens' game. Now GALAXIANS was a pure 'move/left right shoot aliens' game, but Space Invaders arcade had a bit more depth to it. :) But I digress... :P


MY favorite 2600 game in that genre.. hmmmm.. It's hard but I'd have to go with DEMON ATTACK. Since that was the game that absolutely blew the water out of the 2600 and was probably the first 2600 game that I thought had "arcade graphics". :lol: Phoenix came out later and was a pale shadow of the arcade game. Although because of the bird-like graphics people often compare Demon Attack (an original) with Phoenix (an arcade port). *shrug*


I also have a soft spot for Spider Fighter and Megamania.


2600 Space Invaders gets a lot funner I've found using the fast missiles option

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Space Invaders arcade had a bit more depth to it.

What was that depth?


I was only 6 when the 2600 version of Space Invaders came out (and I wouldn't get my 2600 for another 2 years after that!), and I've only played the arcade version of Space Invaders once or twice, many years after I already had the home version firmly engrained in my head. I haven't really given it much of a chance on MAME either, so I'm really not sure what else it had going for it.


(Incidentally, my all-time favorite S.I.-type game is Galaga, but of course there's no 2600 version of that!)

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Space Invaders arcade had a bit more depth to it.

What was that depth?/// I haven't really given it much of a chance on MAME either, so I'm really not sure what else it had going for it.


Here's a great site on Space Invaders strategy: http://members.aol.com/billandted/spaceinv/main.htm from which I'll borrow terms freely below (but I knew all this stuff as a kid too, so oh well) ;)


Well a lot of it is just something you have to see I guess. But contrary to being a "shoot them all as quickly as you can" game, a lot of Space Invader Zen revolved around deliberate and paced shooting method. For example, counting shots in order to get consistent 300 point UFO's was the standard way to play. And in order to do that best, you had to group the invaders effectively (basically so you could maximize your hunt of 300 pt UFO's per stage) :)


Then there's the "wall of death" techique used for survival from level 4 and beyond. Basically you group the invaders so you have a safe spot, then let them come down as low as possible where you are invincible to their shots :) This also allows you lots of time to count shots and hunt more 300 point UFO's




The counting technique and the wall of death methods are probably the main techniques in the game, but there are other little things like the Rainbow trick, and the "shoot the invaders in under 55 shots (or roll over the shot counter) to get an extra man" trick in space invaders deluxe/pt2. Stuff like that is an example of the little bit of depth that SI had over other shooters like Galaxian.


In Galaxian, you basically move left/right and shoot the aliens as fast as you can :P Oh and try and get the 800 pt boss Galaxian by shooting his two escorts first.. that's about it.

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yea communist mutants kicked ass. I loved threshold and spider fighter too. and encounter at l-5 and warplock (these two are a lot better than they credit for, imho, especially the one that uses the paddles.). and megamania. and phoenix. and demon attack and allia quest and worm whomper and beam rider and moonsweeper (mmm moon sweeper) and tac scan and deadly duck and demons to diamonds and death trap and trick shot and no escape and solar storm and space cavern.


(stinkers left out, galaxian, gorf, condor attack, glacier patrol, carnival,)


(havent played guardian or out of control enough to comment)


my fave would probably be warplock.

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