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Best Space Invaders-type game on the 2600

Room 34

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My favorites would have to be (in rough order):

Demon Attack


Beamrider (which has more depth than any other 2600 game of this genre)

Centipede (can't forget that one!)

Gorf (I think this is a pretty good port, all things considered)



Space Invaders

Encounter at L-5 (mainly the unique control scheme)


I also like these quite a bit, but have only played them a little in Stella:

Spider Fighter

Space Instigators



I was always disappointed with Galaxian (too far from the original) and Communist Mutants From Space (it seemed cheap to me that they went to the trouble of making it a SuperCharger game, and the aliens are just squares)

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I'd have to say Megamania was my all time favorite Space Invader style shooter. Real qucikly some other favorites were Spider Fighter, Condor Attack, Worm World I, Communist Mutants, and Demon Attack. Maybe even Turmoil if that counts.


Space Invaders on the 2600 was among the first games I owned. I thought of it as kinda boring, but my mom and dad played it a lot. I didn't play the arcade version for years after I got the 2600 cart.


For me the 2600 Space Invaders is still my favorite version. I guess because the characters are so large, chunky, and recognizable to me plus it was the first version I ever tried.

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I'm really in love with Space Instigators right now and tempted to call that my favorite 2600 DFA game, but Commie Mutants has historically held that title.


I also spent a lot of time playing Gorf as a kid, and really liked it (maybe because the arcade game seemed so unpolished to begin with.) Sure it's missing one out of five screens (supposedly because Atari wanted to have Galaxian out first) but it played more or less like the arcade, with only a few missing elements (the disappearing shield on the first screen for example).


Now, I just fired it up in Stella because I couldn't figure out what you guys were ragging on it for, and it was flickery as anything, but I don't remember that at all from my 2600 days. I'll have to try it on the Cuttle to see if it's one of those games that just doesn't work in an emulator.



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