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"Buying and Selling an Atari 5200"


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On my new blog, I just posted a new article entitled "Buying and Selling an Atari 5200." It's pitched at the novice level, so most readers of this forum may not learn anything they don't already know. I'm curious whether any of my points or claims are inaccurate, so all comments are welcome. Thanks for checking it out.



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Very nice write-up! Answers most of the questions that new folks ask around here.


One thought... wasn't there a second variation of the 5200 system box? It was a good bit smaller as the controllers were placed inside the 5200 itself. Might be worth mentioning.

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One thought... wasn't there a second variation of the 5200 system box? It was a good bit smaller as the controllers were placed inside the 5200 itself. Might be worth mentioning.


Thanks to both of you. AFAIK, both the 4-port and 2-port versions are the same size, and there was not another major variation of the 5200. The controllers fit inside the storage compartment of the 4-port and the 2-port. So does a small car.

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Just to clarify, I wasn't referring to the system size, but the size of the cardboard box it came in. There were two version of that box... the really huge one, and a much smaller one. The controllers were packed inside the system in that smaller box.

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Okay, this 4-port variation is pretty important, as one version seems to allow for the VCS adapter to be used. I'm sure this info is available in some other thread, but if I am reading the service manual correctly, if there is a "+" sign as the third "designator" in the serial number on the bottom (AT+213), that means that the four-port can use the VCS adapter.

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