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Atari XE S-Video Cable Help


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Doesn't the XEGS only have an RCA composite out instead of the 5 pin din? You would probably have to open it up and find the proper connections to solder a connection to if you wanted it to output S-Video.



You are absolutely right. I checked when I got home and sure enough, unlike my 800, the XEGS doesn't have the din plug like the others. I thought all Atari 8bit computers had these. Guess I was wrong.


Hmmmm..... now I need to get me a 130XE.




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Ok I'm almost there, but I just need to connect the ground pin.


You mean on the S-Video connector ?  


Pin 2 of Atari -> Pin 1&2 of S-Video


How do I connect Pin 1&2 of the S-Video connector to Pin 2 on the DIN plug? I don't see a wire for that.



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Crap Crap Crap! It doesn't work! I think I may have wired the damn thing backwards! Re-reading this paragraph:


>Is there a way to convert the output of an Atari 800 to S video?


Yeah, I've done it.  You have to be using an Atari 8-bit that produces

true "S-Video" (some don't).  The 800 did.  Below is my crude diagram

of the 800's monitor jack, a 5-pin DIN port.






I bet they were talking about the actual port on the 800 and not the plug! So I wired the thing exactly backwards! AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!! :x


Live and learn I guess... :|



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For those who wish to do this also .. I suggest wiring the appropriate plugs and sockets to gain compatibility rather than cutting up cables (which can be a pain to solder fine wires together).


Also those who wish to do this to the Atari XL should do the super video upgrade to get the proper signals out.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Another option: Put an S-video jack on the back of the Atari .. Then no wires to cut and splice.


Now that would be interesting, but it seems like that would be a big pain in the butt to do. Also there are no docs on how to do it (if anyone has ever tried).



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OH DARN!  I think I have the pins reversed.  I'm not getting any sound and the output is monochrome.  Would this be the result of having the chroma and the luma reversed?




It might be. When I reverse the chroma and luma cables going into the back of my commodore monitor, it comes up in monochrome. That won't account for no sound though. That's something else.



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Well if I wired it backwards I'd have the audio pin wrong too. You're not going to get any sound through the composite out pin! :)


What ticks me off is that I had it right the first time and actually re-wired it wrong! It turns out one of the pins on the S-Video cable was bent and that's why I didn't get any signal the first time.



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You did connect ground on the audio connector right ?


No I didn't. Do you have to do that? Oops...



Actually I had F*ck before and Allan changed it to Oh Darn. I thought back a bit and decided that I shouldn't have put that and changed it to Nuts. :)



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You connect the audio pin to the center post of the RCA connector and ground to the outer side of the RCA connector.  


Say what? You lost me. I assumed that you'd just take the ground wire (the wrapping around the wire) and conenct it to the ground pin like I did with the S-Video pins.



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Crap again! Now I have sound, but the video is all messed up. It only pops up for a split second or two (depending on the cart), and is monochrome then it dissappears. The audio is working though (when the messed up image is there). What would this mean? Do I have the Chroma and Luma mixed again (I can't see how that would happen)?



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