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Prospective Genesis buyer


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Hi everyone,


I am thinking about buying a Genesis but I'm not sure which model to buy. I have some concerns and I need advice. Keeping in mind that I live in Canada.

  1. Which is more reliable, the model 1 CD add-on or the model 2?
  2. I want the best picture quality. RF just isn't going to cut it. I'd take composite only if there was no other way. Any advice on my options?
    • I have heard about SCART to Component adapters. Will this set up work on a North American Genesis? Is it pricey?
    • If the aforementioned method is not the best way, is there anyone in Canada who will mod my Genesis?

[*]Is it worth it to get a region mod? Are there many great import only games?

[*]I have heard about "black bars" in the picture on some set ups. How can I avoid this?

[*]I also have heard some TVs have trouble with the Genesis because of... something about the NTSC spec. Genesis is 228 and the spec is 227.5 or something. My TV is a Sony KDL-EX500.


My priority is picture quality. If, for some reason, I have to sacrifice the CD add-on for a chance at better PQ, I will.


Thanks for reading. I'm sure there are many knowledgable people on here who can point me in the right direction.

Edited by geiger9
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Read through this thread.




I've had pretty much every variation of each model. My favorites are the very last model 2s with the VA4 motherboard. They have the best video encoder and sound just as good as the earliest model 1s


I also like the video quality of the dreaded model 1 VA7.


One thing to remember is plugging a 32x into these will make them all look a bit better.


Your results will vary depending on your TV.

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The CD add-on won't affect the picture quality--the Genesis still handles the output (the CD units just have RCA audio outs to get stereo sound regardless whether you are on a Model 1 or Model 2 Genesis).


As far as the CD system reliability, I have only had personal experience with the model 2 units. I would think that they would be more reliable by default thanks to their top-loading tray style. The only things I have heard going bad on them are the fuses, which are easy to replace.


Composite cables are easy (and cheap) to get ahold of for the Genesis, any model. I'm not sure about further A/V modding though, like S-Video, RGB, etc.

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Read through this thread.




I've had pretty much every variation of each model. My favorites are the very last model 2s with the VA4 motherboard. They have the best video encoder and sound just as good as the earliest model 1s


I also like the video quality of the dreaded model 1 VA7.


One thing to remember is plugging a 32x into these will make them all look a bit better.


Your results will vary depending on your TV.


Excellent thread. I have decided to go with a model 1. I'll look out for the best revision so I can get the best sound.


I also decided that I will use a scart cable like this one: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1508226981691?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=150822698169&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] and buy a SCART to Component converter. But there are a bunch of different SCART to Component converters. Some require a power supply to use others do not. Can anyone recommend a SCART to component converter?


I have read that SCART carries sound as well as video. How do I get stereo sound out of my Genesis with this method?

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What model CD console did you decide on? Model 2 is far more reliable than model 1. Model 1 CD has problems with the drawer mechanism and it's drive motor going out.


I didn't know this at first, but apparently I can combine a model 1 Genesis with a model 2 Sega CD? In that case, I'll go with the model 2. That'll be purchased later though. I just want my Genesis asap.


Hey fellow Newf! I've been looking to get a Sega CD recently too! damn expensive Canadian shipping, you could end up paying more for the shipping than the system itself for some I've seen on eBay....



Yeah, it's pretty expensive. I'm thinking the Sega CD will be bought later on. Top priority is getting my Genesis.


I think I'm going to order the cables from Rob Webb's site consolegoods.co.uk. I've read people have good experiences with his products. Going to go look for a SCART switch and a SCART to component adapter next.

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I didn't know this at first, but apparently I can combine a model 1 Genesis with a model 2 Sega CD? In that case, I'll go with the model 2. That'll be purchased later though. I just want my Genesis asap.


Yep, both the Model 1 and the Model 2 Genesis systems work on either the Model 1 or Model 2 Sega CD units. However, having a Model 2 Genesis on top of a Model 1 Sega CD looks pretty goofy. The Model 1 Genesis on a Model 2 Sega CD looks fine--just make sure you get one with the spacer, otherwise the system hangs a few inches off the base of the Sega CD Model 2.


(that was a mouthful with all the "Models", haha)

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If you're really looking to get into SegaCD right off the bat, save yourself some greif and just get a CDX or X'Eye. Yeah, it's expensive and hard to find but... once you have a Sega Frankensystem set up, you'll be rather envious of how much less clutter the CDX owners have to deal with. Of course, then there's the nagging voice that says "Oh, why bother trading in this equipment for a CDX? You already have it, it does everything you need... is it realy worth the trouble to re-buy it in compact form?" And it really isn't... but if you know in advance you're going to get into SegaCD, and you don't have any hardware. Do it. The simplicity later on is worth the up front cost.


Full Disclosure: I have a Model 1 Genesis and a Model 2 SegaCD... I would trade them in for a CDX, but I have a sentimental motivation to use my original Genesis from 1993 for as long as I can. ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry that it's been a while since I replied to my own topic. Life gets busy and you forget things.


I ended up buying a HD model 1 Genesis, a scart cable, and a scart to component adapter. I tried out Contra Hard Corps first thing and it looks amazing! But then I tried other games and....




Does anyone know what could be causing this? I signed up for Sega-16 over a month ago and I'm still unable to make posts there to ask for help.



Edit: The problem only seems to happen in certain parts of games. For example, in Sonic 2, it only happens in the bonus stage. In Shining Force 2, it starts happening when you see the witch.

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That happens with more games than not with my LCD TV and my SCART to Component adapter. I ended up going with a SCART to HDMI 720p upscaler that was about $80 to fix it, now I only use my Component adapter with my SDTV and haven't had any problems with either. The SCART to HDMI 720p upscalers seem to have very slight interlacing issues, with two frames appearing at the same time or whatnot, but I haven't had a problem with it while playing.


To your question though, there are various types of SCART cables for each system with sync and no sync and that I haven't figured out yet. I have noticed that different cables work better or worse with each converter box.

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I have sunk about $200 into this Genesis already so I don't want to go buy another piece of equipment.


If it was a problem with the cables or converter box, why would the problem only happen at certain times in a game? I have two copies of Sonic 2. One is the not for resale edition. I tried entering the bonus stage on both carts and on one of the carts, the problem happens as soon as the stage starts. On the not for resale edition, the problem happens halfway through it. I have tried it a few times and it the same thing happens each time.


I don't think my TV is the problem either because if it couldn't handle the 240p signal, this setup wouldn't work at all.

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