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Another bad eBay Seller


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If you don't like to read posts like this then don't troll it or comment. Let me vent. AA is my home away from home, and this makes me feel better. Sorry if you don't like it. There are plenty of other things you can crap on else where. When an eBay purchase comes down to a fight I like to vent to logical people that know what I'm talking about.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3007106746741?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=300710674674&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


This particular time I won two 3do games in two single listings from one seller and combined them. The games came in a priority box weighing 1 pound 8 ounces, covered poorly in paper bag material. The label had 8 ounces of first class postage on it (Roughly $2.50) though I had paid already $6 for shipping. When the postal carrier came to the door I was asked to pay $7.14 or they would send it back and collect from the sender. I paid cash in dollars and coins (I had to borrow from my kid) and got my package.


Upon inspection of the contents, one of the two games was mint-like in fantastic shape. The other game was scratched to hell with holes through the disc. The game does not work. While the listing said untested, it also said the disc had no major scratches. Something that is totally not true.






After contacting the seller about the postage and disc issue, they justified it. They said everyone else does that with the post office, and that's how they can offer such great rates on shipping. He demanded proof of paying the post office. He went on to note the game was listed as untested, and in his opinion was it was in great shape when it left his hands. He takes zero responsibility for it.


Yes, I am aware of my options at this point. Luck has nothing to do with this. These sort of semi-scam people are literally everywhere on eBay now. Making it impossible to collect anything through the site. Where the hell do people get off selling broken garbage, saying it looks fine, and hiding behind not testing it?! Tested or not, they gave an assurance it wasn't scratched up. That supersedes everything else.

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These sort of semi-scam people are literally everywhere on eBay now. Making it impossible to collect anything through the site.


In the most non-sarcastc way, I thought ebay/paypal almost automatically sides with buyers in disputes? It seems like horror stories about bad buyers outweigh bad seller stories 10 to 1. Can't you file a dispute and get the $$ back? Not trying to deflate your venting, I know a lot of sellers out there are out to scam and this dude is clearly one of them. At least you (should) have the option of filing a dispute, hopefully getting your $$ back and give him an appropriate (negative) rating without fear of a retaliation neg.

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This guy already has one neg so he's going to get more with his ripoff shipping tactics. But they way he said "everyone does that with the post office" is like a big smack in the face. This is unfortunate you really cannot trust anyone anymore and they're only looking to ripoff others by lying about not only the quality of the item but to pack it in a poorly-packed package. I wonder if the dolt tried to drill holes into the disc and sell it as genuine?

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Yes, I know that a claim has me protected. The illogical part of all of this is that the other game is perfect. Not a scratch. This is a guy that got a large lot, looked at one, and sold it off. Couldn't he consider for a minute that since I wasn't trying to claim the whole package at a loss I'm telling the truth? Yikes... people are so illogical.


I'm out the "postage due" amount. eBay is covering the return postage at least. He claims that his post office says that they only send packages back that are postage due, never charge the delivery location. Just google "postage due." I sent him pics, and links but he said he won't open them because I'm trying to give him a virus :roll: right...


I plan to use a sharpie on the returned product, physically on the disc itself, clearly labeling it as "broken" on both sides so he can not sell it again.

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Yes, I know that a claim has me protected. The illogical part of all of this is that the other game is perfect. Not a scratch. This is a guy that got a large lot, looked at one, and sold it off. Couldn't he consider for a minute that since I wasn't trying to claim the whole package at a loss I'm telling the truth? Yikes... people are so illogical.


I'm out the "postage due" amount. eBay is covering the return postage at least. He claims that his post office says that they only send packages back that are postage due, never charge the delivery location. Just google "postage due." I sent him pics, and links but he said he won't open them because I'm trying to give him a virus :roll: right...


I plan to use a sharpie on the returned product, physically on the disc itself, clearly labeling it as "broken" on both sides so he can not sell it again.


I'll give that no good ass clown a virus ... if you know what I mean! :twisted:


PS - I love the marker idea

Edited by jtoubeaux
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I have gotten refunds through ebay/paypal on several occasions over the last few years, mainly from zipper heads who describe games as "Like New" but send something scratched all to hell., ebay/paypal has always sided with me as a buyer in these matters., for all of the years that i was a seller on ebay i always tried my best with photos and honesty in my descriptions, but we all know there are some shady sellers still on ebay, though with the new rules protecting the buyer you don't run across them as often., mainly stupid people who think scratched up discs are "Like New"


Anyway, run it by ebay AX they will side with you i'm sure.

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